The original world of Touhou was created by ZUN, a one-man dev team who has handled the game design, scenario writing, programming, character design, and music production for over 15 entries into the universe. Though he originally created Touhou back in 1996 as a way to create his own game music, the series has become a bit of a phenomenon thanks to the Play Doujin! scene that has grown around it and fostered a plethora of fan-developed games like Touhou Genso Rondo.
Game analysis
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31 reviews found90
Chalgyr's Game Room
Apr 4, 2017
Touhou Genso Wanderer is a rogue-like spin-off of the Touhou series. With fancy opening cinematics, tsukkomi humour, and enough characters to populate a small village, Genso Wanderer definitely paints a colorful world for the female dominant cast. Genso Wanderer has you guide the a lazy shrine maiden, Reimu, through a mysterious(ish) tower that has appeared because a local shop owner, Rinnoske, discovered an evil artifact that possessed him. Now it is up to Reimu to solve the incident, which is apparently in her job description. At its core, Genso Wanderer is a rogue-like with a Touhou theme and cast, and specialty characteristics thrown in.
Mar 14, 2017
By adding in an interesting story and supporting cast the game proves it can stand on its own compared to some of the all time best in the genre. Touhou Genso Wanderer is a frustrating and wonderful dungeon crawler that fits perfectly into the doujin Touhou universe.
Mar 14, 2017
Summary and quote unavailable.
Mar 16, 2017
Touhou Genso Wanderer packages together one of the most approachable roguelikes and one of the more mediocre Castlevania type titles into one complete package for any tourist of Gensokyo.
May 3, 2017
Summary and quote unavailable.
Hardcore Gamer
Mar 14, 2017
Touhou Genso Wanderer is a worthy addition to any roguelike fan’s collection, and even more so for Touhou fans as there are references to their other games throughout this one. The everyone takes one turn at a time system might not be for everyone, for this title is one of the better implementations of this format. Some of the cutscenes do seem a bit lengthy relative to the game, but they are at least entertaining and do provide a lot of information about what is going on in the game.
Reno Gazette-Journal
Mar 30, 2017
Summary and quote unavailable.
Mar 23, 2017
Genso Wanderer is a really well made roguelike, it’s great about introducing new mechanics at a steady pace, and it’s pretty easy to get into – even if you have no prior knowledge of other Touhou Project games. Unfortunately, for as well made as the game is, the story proves to be the weak link here. It’s certainly present throughout the adventure, but the general structure makes for a journey that feels a little empty. It’s hard to care about many of these characters and, for the most part, the events unfolding around Gensokyo just serve to give more reasons to crawl through dungeons. A larger focus on gameplay isn’t all bad, but I certainly would have liked to see a better realized story as well. That said, after over fifty hours of dungeon crawling, I’m glad I took the time to investigate all of the weird incidents surrounding Gensokyo. It’s a game that’s very much worth persevering through each obstacle thrown your way, no matter how demoralizing each death might be. A copy of this game was provided by the publisher for review purposes.
Rice Digital
Mar 26, 2017
Touhou Genso Wanderer is fairly accessible to newcomers. And, while the game falls among the shorter in the genre, the added bonus content after you beat the game for the first time is a nice addition. Touhou and dungeon crawler fans alike would enjoy this title, but at full price it might not be for everyone.
Gert Lush Gaming
Mar 14, 2017
Summary and quote unavailable.