A Magical High School Girl is an isometric grid-based turn-based roguelike RPG. However, unlike normal roguelikes, the HP system, experience system, levels, UI, and almost everything else has been reimagined to fit the theme of the game. And most of all this is the first roguelike to offer an enjoyable experience for even casual players. But this game has many layers, and even roguelike veterans will have something to look forward to in the diverse systems this game has to offer. The same combination of words will always create the same spell, so tell your friends about the spells you discover and use the knowledge you've hoarded to beat others in time attack mode. There's all sorts of ways to play!
Game analysis
Monster Scorecard
Scorecard Coming Soon
We're still gathering data and reviews for this game. Once we have enough information, we'll provide a detailed scorecard breaking down all aspects of the game.
2 reviews found70
Feb 17, 2017
A Magical High School Girl is an amusing endeavour with a lot of creativity and charm. The dungeons won't impress, but its inhabitants are handled in a manner that is both clever and challenging. The post-game content also does a good job of forcing veterans to rely solely on their wits and spells for long stretches of time, rather than hoarding and gorging on snacks. If a coming of age story with witches and junk food sounds appealing, then don't hesitate to give this rogue-lite a look.
Sep 12, 2018
When A Magical High School Girl is fair, it’s fun. It’s a solid game for the price of $14.99 with some caveats that I mentioned above. It’s a good doujin rogue-like RPG and I did enjoy my 25 hours with the title. Hopefully we will see more games from illuCollab and Sekai Games in the future.