Tokyo Dark is an anime-style horror adventure game combining point and click and visual novel genres. The story follows Detective Itou across Tokyo, searching for the truth behind her partner's strange disappearance. Featuring puzzles, stat management, and difficult decisions, Tokyo Dark puts the narrative in the hands of the player. Players' decisions change their character, opening or locking options and leading to multiple endings.
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30 reviews found100
Chalgyr's Game Room
Sep 27, 2017
Overall, I have to say that Cherrymochi did an absolutely stellar job with Tokyo Dark: the graphics and music are great, the animated cutscenes are a wonderful touch, and the amazing level of detail that went into the choice and SPIN attribute system is great. Whoever said that "the beauty is in the finer details" is absolutely correct. Despite playing as detective Ito, strictly speaking, your choices and attitude describes who she is, even though she is also given her own personality at the beginning of the game. Tokyo Dark is a game that gets you hooked and keeps you there, all throughout the game, and maybe even past the end.
Mar 14, 2018
Summary and quote unavailable.
Oct 6, 2017
Although I find myself usually not replaying single-player narrative focused titles, I felt compelled to play through Tokyo Dark multiple times (the first playthrough will take around five hours). Maybe it was the inclusion of the alternate endings or the beautiful stylized visuals combined with a dark and intense narrative. The S.P.I.N. system can severely alter how other characters react to you, making you question your every action.Note: Tokyo Dark was reviewed on PC.
Rice Digital
Sep 29, 2017
Summary and quote unavailable.
Sep 11, 2017
Taking a mix of point-and-click controls and conversational style, mixing in a heavy dose of visual novel story approach, and being all wrapped up nicely in an anime trapping with a gripping tale of intrigue to boot, all helps to make Tokyo Dark a very intriguing prospect indeed. With a twisting and turning mystery to work through, and many different outcomes to the story, this latest offering from the Square Enix Collective is right up there with last year's Goetia as another indie-gem not to be missed.
Sep 16, 2017
Tokyo Dark offers a powerful player experience, having them solve the crime on their own terms, whatever those may be, and deal with the consequences in immediate, unsettling ways.
God is a Geek
Sep 6, 2017
Tokyo Dark blends visual novel with point and click to create a terrifically dark story, filled with mystery. With eleven endings and so many choices to make, it goes well beyond the four hours of that first playthrough.
Sep 27, 2017
Summary and quote unavailable.
Sep 11, 2017
If you’re after a horror-tinged point and click adventure game you really can’t go wrong with Tokyo Dark. The few control niggles you’ll encounter will quickly be cast aside as you put your nose firmly to the floor searching for the next clue, which is surely the hallmark of a great mystery.
Sep 11, 2017
Tokyo Dark offers some great animation and character design that reflects Japanese anime and film noir."[/pullquote] One other minor gripe would be that during gameplay when an interest point is supposed to appear you have to make sure Itō is placed at an exact spot on the map in order to trigger the option, but this rarely happens. Regardless, Tokyo Dark offers some great animation and character design that reflects Japanese anime and film noir.