The Little Acre follows the story of Aidan and his daughter, Lily, set in 1950's Ireland. After discovering clues as to the whereabouts of his missing father, Aidan begins investigating until he inadvertently finds himself transported to a strange new world. Ever the hero, Lily sets off after him, encountering her own perils along the way. Featuring voice-acting and hand-drawn animation, The Little Acre is a memorable, lovingly crafted adventure game.
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53 reviews found100
Digitally Downloaded
Nov 21, 2016
Summary and quote unavailable.
Dec 23, 2016
The Little Acre is a very beautiful and flawless game that will take you around two hours to complete at most. It includes a Platinum trophy which is sure to please all fellow trophy hunters out there. The game is an absolute delight and joy to play, and I highly recommend that you pick it up today!
Chalgyr's Game Room
Dec 13, 2016
The Little Acre is a work of art. The character and environment designs, the dialog, and the game-play all come together for a masterpiece of warmth and fuzzy feelings as the credits roll over this beautiful hand drawn adventure.
God is a Geek
Dec 14, 2016
If you miss the point-and-click adventures of old, or just love a heart-warming story filled with some great characters, this tale of love and loss is for you.
Jan 26, 2017
Summary and quote unavailable.
Gaming Age
Dec 27, 2016
If you are a fan of the point and click style games, or someone with no familiarity with the genre I definitely recommend picking up The Little Acre. It has a great short story element and intuitive, precise gameplay. The few puzzles to be had are easy enough to figure out without getting frustrated, but still make you think enough to keep you engaged.
Pure Nintendo
Jun 3, 2019
A short but sweet adventure, The Little Acre is a must for genre fans. Even if it is overpriced on the Nintendo Switch, it has too much quality and charm to skip.
Dec 13, 2016
Even with its short length and minor sound issues, I still enjoyed every moment of The Little Acre. Its subtle humour, art style, and heartwarming story wrap up into one of my favourite games of the year. I recommend picking it up if you enjoy something that your entire family could play together in one or two short sessions.
Dec 25, 2016
The Little Acre is a heartfelt adventure with a lot of care and dedication put into it. It's short, but there's enough charm that you can playthrough on a quiet afternoon.
Marooners' Rock
Jan 23, 2017
If you long for the classic adventure games of the past, with an art style that’s a cross between a Don Bluth cartoon and Sam & Max Hit the Road, The Little Acre will leave you with a smile on your face and hoping for a quick sequel.