Armikrog is a unique stop motion clay animated point and click adventure game from the creators of Earthworm Jim and the Neverhood. Follow the adventures of space explorer Tommynaut and his blind alien talking dog Beak-Beak, as they unravel the mysteries of the fortress that holds them captive through exploration and puzzle solving.
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78 reviews found90
Aug 24, 2016
I actually really liked Armikrog. As a fan of old school point and clicks, I found it a bit too easy for a veteran of the genre – though this would be great for beginners. There is a lot to like here and it has the building blocks for a strong sequel, which hopefully they get a chance to make. Playing the game for my Arkigrom review made me care for Tommynaut, Beak-Beak and the rest of the cast, and hopefully you wil as well! Disclaimer This review is based on a PS4 copy of Armikrog provided by Pencil Test Studios . ——————————————————————————————————————- Don’t forget to follow me on Twitter @the_nmac for more reviews and live streaming from the PS4.
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Oct 6, 2015
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Pelit (Finland)
Jan 4, 2016
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IGN Italia
Oct 12, 2015
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Dec 16, 2015
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Post Arcade (National Post)
Oct 5, 2015
As a spiritual successor to The Neverhood, the game succeeds on all levels, but somehow I don’t think it will gain the same kind of cult following this time. Comments Postmedia is committed to maintaining a lively but civil forum for discussion and encourage all readers to share their views on our articles.
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Aug 23, 2016
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Oct 27, 2015
A great if flawed game that presents a lot of potential that might have been wasted in this first iteration of a fantastic idea. If this is the direction Pencil Test Studios is going, then I want to see more. It's fun, though short, and a bit buggy. But overall it's a great idea to pursue.
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