Two years ago, a group of young teenagers found themselves trapped inside their school. They suffered through the longest night of their lives, chased by abominable creatures created by their principal. Some of them survived that terrible night, while others perished. Now, the survivors have picked up the pieces of their lives and gone to college. But all is not right at Fallcreek University: strange flowers suddenly appear everywhere on the campus, flowers that contain a dangerous substance that induces strange but vivid dreams. A handful of students learn that the flowers are far more dangerous than they seem. When the seeds finally sprout, nightmare suddenly turns into horrifying reality...
Game analysis
Monster Scorecard
Scorecard Coming Soon
We're still gathering data and reviews for this game. Once we have enough information, we'll provide a detailed scorecard breaking down all aspects of the game.
10 reviews found70
Cheat Code Central
Jan 1, 1970
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Jan 1, 1970
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PC Zone UK
Jan 1, 1970
If horror films where the screams are sufficiently high-pitched to get the neighbourhood dogs howling are your kind of thing, then ObsCure II is easy to get into, not too taxing on the brain and just about competent enough to keep you playing for its 15-hour duration. Just remember to stay away from flowers.
Jan 1, 1970
Summary and quote unavailable.
Jan 1, 1970
Unfortunately, Obscure II's solidity of game design tends to fall by the wayside to some glaring technical glitches and generally low production values, making it look like a game from 2005 rather than 2007 at times. Texturing on the PC version is particularly weak, seemingly rushed as an upgrade from the PS2 version, and the overall artistic design leaves a lot to be desired.
Play (Poland)
Jan 1, 1970
Summary and quote unavailable.
Jan 1, 1970
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PC Gamer
Jan 1, 1970
Summary and quote unavailable.
PC Gamer UK
Jan 1, 1970
Summary and quote unavailable.
Jan 1, 1970
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