Dragon Ball Xenoverse is the first installment of the Xenoverse series and the Dragon Ball game developed by Dimps. It is the first fighting game to feature full 3D battles similar to the Budokai Tenkaichi series. Fighters can traverse the levels free-roaming in large spaces and can fight on ground, in the air and underwater. The game features spoken dialogue from a majority of main characters while in battle, and characters show facial expressions when they strike an opponent or take damage. Although limited, the players have some freedom to explore the planet Earth as it exists in the Dragon Ball universe along with a handful of other locations.
Game analysis
Monster Scorecard
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85 reviews found100
Feb 23, 2015
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Mar 16, 2015
Overall, Dragon Ball Xenoverse is probably one of the best, if not the best, Dragon Ball related games out there – and there are a lot. You can replay missions to enhance your character. There are various trainers to go on missions for. It also has time travelling - and that’s always a good thing.
Feb 24, 2015
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Gaming Age
Feb 26, 2015
As a moderate fan of the anime, I was pleasantly surprised with how much I enjoyed XenoVerse, and I suspect you will be too, provided you have any affinity for the source material.
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Mar 15, 2015
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Mar 1, 2015
Dragon Ball Z Xenoverse is no next-gen title but is still fun to play on the PlayStation 4, especially if you're a fan of DBZ! 4.0 Fighting fun Dragon Ball Z Xenoverse Primary Format – Games – Playstation 4 Game Genre – Fighting Rating – PG Game Developer – Dimps Game Publisher – Bandai Namco Games Reviewer – James Wright Available on Xbox 360, Xbox One, PlayStation 3 and PS4 (Reviewed), Dragon Ball Xenoverse is the latest Dragon Ball Z game of the series that revisits this diverse and wondrous manga and anime universe. It’s also the first in the series that makes the most of next-gen console hardware and thankfully is quite accessible to not just fans but also newcomers to the franchise which definitely makes it a great jumping on point. At its core, Dragon Ball Xenoverse is a fighter that also uses RPG elements to help distinguish itself between the more mainstream and hard-core fighters.
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