Game analysis
Monster Scorecard
Scorecard Coming Soon
We're still gathering data and reviews for this game. Once we have enough information, we'll provide a detailed scorecard breaking down all aspects of the game.
27 reviews found85
Xbox Tavern
Feb 7, 2022
One of the greatest things I’ve enjoyed in my time with Vagante is slowly learning how the game works, such as discovering all the different systems within the game and familiarizing myself with all the characters and learning their strengths and weaknesses. When I first played the game, all those years ago, it was definitely a little rough around the edges. I’m happy to see it reach its final state, which is a compelling roguelike platformer RPG that should appeal to fans of any of those genres.Become a Patron! This game was reviewed based on Xbox One review code, using an Xbox One console.
Video Chums
Jan 26, 2022
It may sound heretical to some but I actually enjoy Vagante more than Spelunky. With its variety of character classes and equipment along with full cooperative multiplayer support, this indie gem is easily one of my new favourite games. See you online!
PlayStation Country
Jan 31, 2022
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Generación Xbox
Feb 1, 2022
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Feb 1, 2022
I can safely say that if you enjoy roguelite action games such as Dead Cells or more intense examples like Spelunky, you’ll find a lot to like in Vagante. There’s a lot to discover in this game, and it never stops feeling dangerous enough to produce the tension that makes this genre work so well. It also has some great multiplayer options for those who want to tackle a game like this with that advantage and/or disadvantage. A well-rounded experience where you get all of the fun of building up a character and all of the thrills of narrowly evading instant-death traps. Give it a chance, and you’ll reap the rewards. SwitchArcade Score: 4/5 RPGolf Legends ($29.99) Sports and RPGs go together so well that it’s a wonder we don’t see these two genres mash-up more often.
Feb 13, 2022
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We Got This Covered
Mar 4, 2018
For those willing to master its systems, Vagante is a game that will delight in its intricacy and depth. Some may be put off by the awkward combat and sinister traps, but I'm confident that the already strong community will grow in time, sharing tips and suffering together for the foreseeable future.
Hobby Consolas
Jan 27, 2022
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PlayStation Universe
Jan 27, 2022
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Feb 10, 2022
Overall, I have really enjoyed the overall challenge and experience of playing Vangante. With the ever-changing levels I often have felt frustrated every time I die and have to restart from scratch again, but the bonus is that you earn XP and level up each time, slowly making overall progress. So while you may feel like it's one step forward and two back, there is a great sense of accomplishment as you progress, even if it's quite slow at times. Vagante will be on my recommendation list to anyone who loves a good challenge and enjoys the fact that no two runs are the same.