A friendship ritual gone awry transports high school student Ayumi Shinozaki and her friends to an alternate reality version of a tragedy-stricken institution that stood on the site of their own school long ago. As the vengeful spirits of elementary school students threaten their lives and their sanity, their only hope of survival–much less escape–is to uncover the chilling details surrounding the murders of those trapped before them.
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18 reviews found90
Hey Poor Player
Oct 26, 2021
Having finally experienced the macabre world of Corpse Party, and crept through the cursed halls of Heavenly Host Elementary, I can honestly say that Corpse Party (2021) ranks up there with my favorite horror games of all time. The trial and error gameplay may frustrate some. However, the incredible writing and rewarding exploration make this a must-play for horror fans this Halloween.
The Mako Reactor
Oct 25, 2021
Summary and quote unavailable.
Nintendo Blast
Nov 1, 2021
Summary and quote unavailable.
Gaming Nexus
Nov 1, 2021
Corpse Party 2021 is the definitive way to play the first entry in the Corpse Party series that made its rounds over 20 years ago. This game is a must have for horror fans, especially now that Halloween is coming up around the corner. Just keep in mind that there are some frustrating design elements that accompany what is otherwise an impeccable, immersive and frightening story.
Chalgyr's Game Room
Nov 1, 2021
Corpse Party is the best version of this release yet, which is saying something as it has seen multiple ports over the last twenty-five years. It has the most polished visuals, accessible menus and extra content. The pacing and graphics might not be for everyone, but if you are a fan of creepy writing and outstanding audio design, then give Corpse Party a chance during this year’s scary season.
Nintendo Enthusiast
Nov 11, 2021
Summary and quote unavailable.
Nov 8, 2021
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PSX Brasil
Nov 14, 2021
Summary and quote unavailable.
Nov 26, 2021
I wouldn’t exactly say I had a great time with Corpse Party (2021), it was indeed a dark game that I don’t think I was quite prepared for. Still, the game is exactly what it’s supposed to be and, as I said earlier, I was completely sucked into it whenever I played. Corpse Party’s story is messed up at times and, if you plan to get into it, you should be completely prepared for what exactly you’re getting into. If you happen to be a horror fan though who has never played Corpse Party before, then I definitely highly recommend Corpse Party (2021). This is absolutely the game for you and there’s no better time to pick it up than now. Review copy was provided by the publisher.
PSX Extreme
Nov 9, 2021
Corpse Party (2021) is a thoroughly engaging piece of survival horror. The cast of characters is likable enough, the atmosphere feels palpable, and it is morbidly fun to unlock all of the bad endings. And considering the new extra chapters and binaural audio, this is the definitive version to play.