A friendship ritual gone awry transports high school student Ayumi Shinozaki and her friends to an alternate reality version of a tragedy-stricken institution that stood on the site of their own school long ago. As the vengeful spirits of elementary school students threaten their lives and their sanity, their only hope of survival–much less escape–is to uncover the chilling details surrounding the murders of those trapped before them.
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11 reviews found85
Gaming Nexus
Apr 25, 2016
Summary and quote unavailable.
May 3, 2016
In the end, Corpse Party is an enjoyable, well thought out and engaging experience. It does take on a bit of a slower pace but if you are a fan of Visual Novels, then this will be perfect for you. If you’ve played the PSP remake and wonder what the point of playing this one is, this version has slightly different dialogue, different character busts, and slightly different music as well as added extra chapters that wasn’t released on the PSP title.
May 9, 2016
Don’t skip the dialogue, investigate everything properly, and experience Corpse Party in its full glory.
Hardcore Gamer
May 6, 2016
The theme of a bunch of teenagers roaming a school haunted by tormented souls trying to kill them may limit the mass appeal of this game, but for the niche audience this type of game speaks to, it is very well done.
Brash Games
May 1, 2016
Summary and quote unavailable.
Apr 29, 2016
Summary and quote unavailable.
Jul 8, 2016
Version favoritism aside, Corpse Party does a good enough job with the technology to deliver an interesting and thoroughly Japanese story of tragedy, murder, and the paranormal.
May 31, 2016
As a horror experience, Corpse Party is absolutely mandatory, and should be experienced in whatever platform that is available to you. If possible, however, the PSP version is still the definitive experience, and scales perfectly on the Playstation TV if you also happen to own one of those.
Nov 11, 2016
I like Corpse Party a lot, just not as a game. Its strong storyline and polished aesthetics would have made it a great visual novel, but the clunky gameplay drags it down from being great to just good. Gameplay is the be all and end all of any game that isn't a visual novel/graphic adventure after all, and in that regard, Corpse Party is a disappointing experience. This review is based on a free review copy provided to RPGFan by the developer.
RPG Site
May 10, 2016
With the 3DS port of the remake coming out soon, there is no reason to pick up the Steam version of Corpse Party unless you're a hardcore fan of the series. There are simply better ways to play this title.