In the stardust and disunity of the collapsed Star Union, an insidious new race of conquerors has come to lay claim to the galaxy. Deploy and destroy as the merciless Shakarn, a vicious race of conniving lizardmen with holographic disguises ready to deceive, disrupt and disintegrate the last strongholds of human might. Utilize light and sound trickery to sabotage and scatter your foes from the inside out, overwhelm them with brutish alien force, or form the most unlikely of alliances: the choice is yours. Choose quickly though, as new environmental catastrophes can strike without warning, and enemies may spring from unexpected places. The Shakarn empire is ready to strike your enemies down, but do not make the mistake of being overconfident. Never forget that the greatest threats often come from above…
Game analysis
Monster Scorecard
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5 reviews found100
May 25, 2020
If Revelations was an appetizer, Invasions is the dessert to Planetfall’s main course and I have a sweet tooth. It’s a great addition to the base game and compliments it with every feature it brings.
May 26, 2020
Summary and quote unavailable.
Chalgyr's Game Room
Jun 2, 2020
Summary and quote unavailable.
Gaming Nexus
Jun 17, 2020
Prior to its expansions, Age of Wonders: Planetfall was already a content-rich game with a lengthy list of factions, commanders, techs, and units. Invasions bolsters Planetfall's diversity and replayability with intriguing new features. The Shakarn alone make the expansion worthwhile.
PC Invasion
May 26, 2020
Summary and quote unavailable.