Ticket to Earth is a unique fusion of turn-based tactics, tile-matching puzzle, and story-driven RPG. This epic sci-fi saga of betrayal and insurrection unites four unlikely heroes, defending a desperate group of colonists abandoned by their wealthy masters.
Game analysis
Monster Scorecard
Scorecard Coming Soon
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3 reviews found80
The Overpowered Noobs
Jul 7, 2017
Ticket to Earth combines puzzle gameplay with turn-based strategy to create a smooth and dynamic RPG experience. Natural dialogue and engaging characterization pair with a direct, clean plot in an emotionally honest portrayal of individuals caught up in social upheaval. The randomization of tiles on the battlefield leads to uneven difficulty, but intuitive controls make for smooth combat. While the product as it stands only delivers one out of four projected episodes, additional episodes will arrive as free updates rather than paid add-ons or DLC.
PC PowerPlay
Aug 17, 2017
Summary and quote unavailable.
Hooked Gamers
Aug 2, 2017
Summary and quote unavailable.