The World Next Door is a narrative-driven, action adventure game that follows Jun, a rebellious teen girl trapped in a parallel world inhabited by magical creatures. Inspired by the emotional storytelling and thrilling action of both anime and indie games, players can expect to meet and develop friendships with an eclectic cast of characters while uncovering the mysteries hidden within this world.
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22 reviews found80
Geek Culture
May 7, 2019
The World Next Door is a short game with excellent design, interesting gameplay choices, and questionable narrative decisions. But it never outstays its welcome, and has a great price.
Paste Magazine
Apr 1, 2019
Summary and quote unavailable.
Aug 26, 2019
The ending is too abrupt and I would have loved to spend more time with the cast, but I’d much rather a game leave me wanting more instead of dragging on and wearing me out hours before credits roll. The World Next Door is a compact little gem that introduces a style and concepts I’d love to see more of. This feels like just the start of something bigger, and I hope the developers get the chance to keep building on their world. Disclosures: This game is developed by Rose City Games and published by Viz.
Mar 16, 2020
I would say I liked this game, it was a fun few hours of my time spent on a little adventure puzzle game. I would recommend this to someone that has a few hours spare, or wants something they can pick up for a few minutes at a time. Either way, I hope you’ll enjoy it as much as I did if you do.
Apr 19, 2019
At the end of the day, The World Next Door is still an incredibly unique title. Mixing fast paced battles with wonderful characters and a rather curious story, it’s a standout indie game you should be giving a look. I clocked in six hours when I culminated my playthrough. No doubt you’ll get your money’s worth in multiple runs at the base price of $14.99. A congratulations to the developer on the launch and may they learn from this to make even better games.
Mar 27, 2019
Summary and quote unavailable.
May 16, 2019
Ultimately, while The World Next Door is quite short, it ended up being such a lovely game to me. This game is kept rather light-hearted, and while there are choices implemented, they won’t make a big impact on the story. Although this might turn some people off, I still liked the way the choices were presented as I felt like I was actually able to form Jun’s personality. The relationships between the characters and its storytelling are definitely the main aspect of the game and I found The World Next Door is a quite relaxing and uncomplicated game with beautiful art and a unique battle system. **On a side note, VIZ has just announced that a new Versus mode has just been added.
Apr 10, 2019
Playable in one or two long sittings, The World Next Door is an interesting mix of genres. It won’t set your world on fire, but what is there is pretty fun. Without much reason to replay, you probably won’t jump right back into Emrys when you complete the game, but it’s well worth your time at least once.
Digitally Downloaded
Apr 11, 2019
The World Next Door isn't perfect, but is shows that Viz is - for now, at least - willing to take on a project that's a little different and oddball. Colourful, creative, and generally well designed, it's worth forgiving this particular title its teen B-tier narrative tropes. Editor-in-Chief Find me on Twitter: @digitallydownld Please help keep DDNet running: Running an online publication isn't cheap, and it's highly time consuming.
Apr 19, 2019
If there’s any other significant complaint to levy against The World Next Door, it would be that it’s so short. Duration of a game is always tricky to weigh in a review: there’s no set number of hours that a game has to be, after all, so saying a title is or isn’t too long is frustratingly subjective and hard to convey to other people. What I can say is that The World Next Door is so unique and entertaining that it’s a shame to see Jun’s adventure come to a close when it does. Rose City Games seems to be intent on making The World Next Door even better in the future, so there’s hope that if enough people take a shine to the game it’s possible another could come in the future.