The Witch's House, originally released in 2012, falls within the tradition of Japanese horror RPGs with heavy emphasis on puzzle-solving and jump scares. The Witch's House is deliberately designed with traps at almost every turn--sudden death is unpredictable and it keeps players on their toes. Anything can happen at any time. With completely remastered visuals, The Witch's House MV will feel fresh to even the most familiar old-school fans. Fans will also be greeted by a new difficulty mode that includes new events upon completion of the base game.
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5 reviews found70
PSX Brasil
Nov 19, 2022
Summary and quote unavailable.
Oct 16, 2022
While it can be short, this is a title that can and should be experienced at least once, which is why I’m glad the original is still widely available for free. If you just want to see what the fuss is about, it’s simple enough to find it online. However, if you find yourself enjoying the punishing, gruesome tale being told here, I encourage you to support Fummy’s work and pick up The Witch’s House MV as a way of saying thank you, and to see a brand new facet for this sincerely horrifying game.
Hey Poor Player
Nov 17, 2022
I don’t have too many complaints about The Witch’s House MV. Yes, the game is short, and sure, the story is lacking. But when this game is on point, it’s really on point. The Witch’s House MV expertly utilizes its creepy atmosphere, unsettling sound effects, and delightful jump scares to ensure at least a few moments of increased adrenaline. While I wish the game was longer, there is a decent amount of replayability, with the newly added difficulty mode offering different puzzle solutions and an ending you’ll definitely want to obtain. For such a short and simple game, it was certainly a memorable experience.
Nindie Spotlight
Oct 14, 2022
While it’s the right time of year for some creepiness and scares, quality still needs to count for something Before landing pretty negatively on this title as a whole, I’ll concede that it seems that the overall design is on purpose, and I have no doubt there’s an audience that’s down for it.
Fearzine Magazine
Sep 12, 2024
This little horror gem left a big impression on me. For a short and memorable horror adventure, the 2018 remake of The Witch’s House MV is available on Steam and consoles.