Based on the 1994-released The Ninja Warriors: Again, which is a Super Famicom arrangement of the 1987-released arcade game The Ninja Warriors, The Ninja Saviors: Return of the Warriors is a 25-year-later remake from the Tengo Project main staff that brought you the original games. While retaining its 16-bit style, The Ninja Warriors: Once Again significantly enhances the character resolution, pattern amount, and more to match the latest hardware. In addition to two new playable characters, The Ninja Saviors: Return of the Warriors implements a two-player co-op mode that was not available in The Ninja Warriors: Again.
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56 reviews found100
Rapid Reviews UK
Sep 2, 2019
“If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it”. A saying which sums up exactly how, and why, this game has stayed so very true to its source material. Initially released for the arcades in 1987 under the title of “The Ninja Warriors”, the game was quickly ported to home consoles to capitalise on its success. In 1994 there was a sequel (or remake depending on how you look at it) created for the Super Nintendo Entertainment System under the same name. It would then be an agonising 25 years until the next time these ninjas would grace our screens; however, the wait was definitely worth it. The Ninja Saviours: Return of the Warriors has the same plot as its SNES counterpart.
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Aug 30, 2019
Altogether, Ninja Saviors: Return of the Warriors is an exemplary update to the 1994 original. Both the new and returning characters have impressive move-sets. Discovering how to implement these techniques is very rewarding. The eight stages aren't especially creative, but they all have strong fundamentals. If players want a spot on the online leaderboards, then they have to take as little damage as possible, and accurately gauge threats. While it is fun to mash on hapless grunts, targeting elites is the only way to survive. This is one beat em' up gem that you don't want to miss.
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Oct 15, 2019
The Ninja Saviors: Return of the Warriors is a refreshing take on a classic game. Its fast paced action and beat ‘em up styles feels like a natural fit on the Nintendo Switch. With its updated graphics, audio, and game modes, it makes this game perfect for a quick fix for action and chaos.
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Dec 10, 2019
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Nintendo Life
Aug 12, 2019
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Electric Bento
Oct 15, 2019
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Worth Playing
Dec 2, 2019
The Ninja Warriors: Return of the Warriors is for those who love classic arcade or console games. Those players are fine with titles being a bit short, since the replayability comes through in getting better with the game or replaying with friends in tow. It certainly helps that everything from the expanded move set to the character differences and presentation is top-tier, 16-bit stuff and rather straightforward, except for the final boss. As long as you're coming in with a mindset of defeating the game more than once, you'll have a great time with this low-key classic.
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Digital Chumps
Oct 23, 2019
While I would have personally preferred the addition of three player support, or even extra stages or modes, Natsume and Project Tengo did a great job of resurrecting a classic for modern audiences and adding two new playable characters. Other cool features include a timer to encourage speed runs, with online leaderboard support, and being able to unlock the soundtracks from the original and the ’94 games. Beautiful sprite art and animation, and a nostalgic-inducing soundtrack add wonderfully to the experience as well.
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