Play as Jay and Silent Bob in a retro 8-bit sidescrolling brawler solo or with a friend. Pummel enemies with hard-hitting combos, dash attacks, and elbow drops as well as a random assortment of weapons as you battle your way out of the mall and back to the Quickstop.
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27 reviews found80
May 7, 2020
Though the difficulty is going to put off a lot of newcomers to the genre, the truth is that most of the love for this title is still going to come from gamers who grew up, not only with a yearning for an age where the achievement was simply completing a tough brawler, but for the age itself; when stoner humour was prevalent, and where, with just a little scratching of the surface, you could find real emotional depth and good feeling in movies such as Mallrats. Jay and Silent Bob: Mall Brawl doesn't rest on its laurels, though, and provides as much depth in its combat as any Smith vehicle. The health regen through character switching also makes it far more tactical and rewarding than expected. Fun as a solo adventure, and a riot with a hat wearing friend, settle in with a chocolate covered pretzel, and tell them and as many others to check this one out.
May 19, 2020
A really nice stop gap title until Chronic Blunt Punch arrives and decent use of an old system. A few fiddly controls, but nothing that can't be forgiven.
Video Chums
May 25, 2021
Summary and quote unavailable.
Pure Nintendo
May 8, 2020
Kevin Smith built a career on fan service, and Jay and Silent Bob: Mall Brawl is as fan service-y as it gets. On its face, it’s a typical arcade beat-’em-up, but with a shiny View Askew coat of paint. If you’re looking for a solid brawler that harkens to the NES days or you’re an aficionado of Smith’s filmography, it’s easy to recommend this charming title.
May 7, 2020
Remove the video game jokes and Kevin Smith references, and Jay and Silent Bob Mall Brawl is a run-of-the-mill retro beat-’em-up. There’s nothing bad about it, but it also doesn’t do anything special. As a backer bonus for Jay and Silent Bob: Chronic Blunt Punch, it seems like a great deal. As an individual game, it’s a harder sell, but if you can recall quotes from Mallrats and still occasionally toss in a “snoogans” into everyday conversations, Mall Brawl is a good time.
Push Square
Jun 9, 2021
Unsurprisingly, there's humour throughout, made evident by one Trophy tasking you to beat up the Easter Bunny to avenge Brodie. The route to a Platinum via 21 Trophy targets also seems like plain sailing, but once you realise that 0.0% of players have been able to 'Clear hard mode in one run without a Game Over', you'll recognise that you mightn't see the sailboat everyone keeps talking about. Perhaps if you wished that Double Dragon IV followed in the first two arcade games' presentation style, then Jay and Silent Bob: Mall Brawl's 8-bit throwback approach is not for you. Regardless, for those of us who crave more in the same vein of Technōs NES bickety bam beat-'em-ups, then playing Mall Brawl may just be your retro Wolvie berserk style. What else are we gonna do? Snootchie Bootchies!
May 21, 2021
It's fun, the old-school graphics look great, and developer Interabang Entertainment filled the game with winks and nods that fans will definitely appreciate. The difficulty level might turn off less-experienced gamers, and it's on the shorter side, but these are minor quibbles. This is well worth a purchase for Askewniverse fans. Snoogans. Rating: 3.5 out of 5 Jay and Silent Bob: Mall Brawl - Arcade Edition is currently available on Xbox One, Xbox Series X|S, Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 4, and PlayStation 5.
May 27, 2021
Jay and Silent Bob: Mall Brawl does a great job recreating the look and feel of an original NES release, but takes its retro inspired roots a bit too far and becomes a game which few but the most dedicated will finish. That said, I did enjoy my time with the game and catching the references to other Kevin Smith movies.
Hardcore Gamer
May 12, 2020
Jay and Silent Bob: Mall Brawl is tons of fun for fans of 8-bit brawlers. This is a great freebie for people who backed Chronic Blunt Punch, and for those who didn’t it’s easy to get your money’s worth from the cost of admission. As an NES beat ’em up rated E10, it’s a short title with simple gameplay and the tone is more in tune with the short-lived Clerks animated series than how Jay and Silent Bob are portrayed in Smith’s films. But that may have also been intentional since the NES did have puritan content standards that would have never allowed Jay’s rap to exist in glorious 8-bit chiptune. Either way, Jay and Silent Bob: Mall Brawl is a fun title that retro gamers and Kevin Smith fans can enjoy while they wait for Chronic Blunt Punch or his next film.
Screen Rant
May 21, 2021
Anyone picking up Jay and Silent Bob: Mall Brawl will know what they're getting into from the jump. The 8-bit action will have a hard time attracting newcomers to this style of game, but it does successfully capture both the spirit of classics like Double Dragon and the vibe of Kevin Smith's modern output. Co-op play does shine brighter than solo brawling, and the game doesn't come close to modern favorites like Streets of Rage 4, but there is a lot to like for someone who just needs a new NES-style fix in 2021. Next: SpongeBob: Krusty Cook-Off Review - A Misaligned Mobile Port Jay and Silent Bob: Mall Brawl is available now on PC, Xbox One, PlayStation 4, and Nintendo Switch.