"Embark on a unforgettable social adventure and an ever expanding world. Sky: Light Awaits is a heartwarming and beautifully-animated social adventure experience designed to be played together by you and your loved ones. Set in a wonderland above the clouds, Sky invites you and your friends to fly up to explore the buried mysteries together and rebuild a fallen kingdom for its ancient inhabitants. Using your courage and compassion, players must connect as a community to share and build on their flame to spread light back into the world."
Game analysis
Monster Scorecard
Scorecard Coming Soon
We're still gathering data and reviews for this game. Once we have enough information, we'll provide a detailed scorecard breaking down all aspects of the game.
20 reviews found90
Jul 8, 2021
The free-to-play open-ended nature of Sky might be slow-paced, especially if you’re not planning to empty your pocketbook, but the gentle pleasantness of exploring visually engaging worlds wordlessly with a new online friend or two is soothing and relaxing. If you even have a passing interest or fondness for Journey, checking out Sky on Switch is absolutely something you should do. It’s delightful.
Jul 20, 2021
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Jul 7, 2021
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Digital Chumps
Dec 19, 2022
Sky: Children of the Light is a welcome addition to the PlayStation ecosystem, especially in a post-COVID world where happiness and cooperation are fleeting. As an MMO, Sky‘s approach to player retention, exploration, and connection are uplifting, positive, and indeed show the brighter side of humanity. I wish that a PS5-upgrade could better integrate my DualSense into the gameplay, but in the grand scheme of cooperation and connection, Sky hits the sweet spot of an incredibly chill gameplay experience.
Jul 26, 2021
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God is a Geek
Jan 3, 2023
Sky: Children of Light on PlayStation feels right at home, bringing back that warm and fuzzy feeling Journey provided to so many people.
Jul 9, 2021
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Jul 19, 2021
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Jul 16, 2021
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Nintendo Life
Jul 3, 2021
We love free stuff, and Sky: Children of the Light is perhaps the best experience you can get for free on the Switch to date. The visuals are simply stunning, whether you’re playing in handheld mode or on the big screen, and the variety of the game’s different worlds provides more than enough incentive to explore. The social aspect is solid, and the game’s unique ability to foster bonds with complete strangers is frankly a marvel. The only real downside is that the gameplay is so simplistic in nature, so we’re not certain it will keep players around for long to experience any future updates. If it does grab your attention, however, then a magical experience awaits.