Game analysis
Monster Scorecard
Scorecard Coming Soon
We're still gathering data and reviews for this game. Once we have enough information, we'll provide a detailed scorecard breaking down all aspects of the game.
5 reviews found80
Video Chums
Sep 21, 2020
Nevaeh's challenge relies on your ability to consistently think outside the box and its resulting gameplay is impressively rewarding.Nevaeh gameplay video → MO:Astray Review Switch ★★★★☆ You have to hand it to indie games that manage to maintain a pitch-perfect atmosphere so here's the unconventional MO:Astray. The core gameplay of MO:Astray has you aim and launch a slug-like creature around puzzle-filled stages that look like they belong in a Metroid game.
Feb 1, 2021
Short yet engaging, Nevaeh creates quite the mystery by omitting any narration, which occasionally can be confusing when trying to work out what's going on, particularly when helping townspeople with their individual requests, and figuring out the finale. Shadows are a strong element here for both puzzle-solving and boss battles. There's a range of power-ups that can be chosen once enough of an item is collected, and these can extend how long the butterfly stays activated or improve the girl's defences. Replaying may help better understand the story, and there is a harder setting to use, but there is no obvious benefit or incentive to do so. That aside, overall Nevaeh is a sound game to test the mind and imagination.
Noisy Pixel
Sep 28, 2020
Nevaeh is a fast and fun puzzle platformer that doesn’t bite off more than it can chew. However, its lack of direction makes the adventure feel soulless. Nothing challenges the player, not even the boss encounters, making this more of a comfortable and cute indie puzzle experience to play in short bursts. This post may contain Amazon affiliate links.
Oct 15, 2020
Summary and quote unavailable.
Digitally Downloaded
Sep 23, 2020
Summary and quote unavailable.