Ministry of Broadcast is a pixelart cinematic platformer which takes place in the dark dystopian TV reality show. The story is set in a country which has been divided by THE WALL. In order to cross to the other side of the border, the player must win in this TV show organized by the regime.
Game analysis
Monster Scorecard
Scorecard Coming Soon
We're still gathering data and reviews for this game. Once we have enough information, we'll provide a detailed scorecard breaking down all aspects of the game.
26 reviews found90
Hey Poor Player
May 10, 2020
Ministry of Broadcast is a game like no other. Strangely cerebral and creatively deranged until the last possible moment, Ministry of Broadcast will absolutely challenge the platforming fans while providing endless amusement and frustration to the problem-solving crowd. The overall storyline may not make the most sense, but the immersion is definitely there and you’ll be too busy trying to get through it alive to pay much attention. Above all, you’ll walk away from the experience wondering if you really beat the game or just survived the ordeal. If you’re a fan of platformers, pixel art, or just really want to give your brain a brutal workout, you must pick up a copy of Ministry of Broadcast.
Feb 27, 2020
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Use a Potion
May 4, 2020
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Feb 2, 2020
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Noisy Pixel
May 4, 2020
Ministry of Broadcast is a well-made cinematic-platformer that does a great job presenting its dark humor themes through haphazard means. Sure, the game is incredibly linear, and there are some annoying puzzle layouts, but the overall experience is one that kept me coming back for more. The developer clearly had a vision for this adventure, and it shows during every minute of gameplay. This post may contain Amazon affiliate links.
Jan 30, 2020
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Switch Player
May 12, 2020
With its unusual mixture of a dystopian narrative, a minimalist art style, and a 2D platforming gameplay, Ministry of Broadcast delivers a unique experience that feels truly cinematic – despite some annoying difficult spikes.
Nintendo Life
Apr 30, 2020
A relentlessly impressive experience, Ministry of Broadcast is always enjoyable, often excellent and very clearly a labour of love. Some will find the exacting nature of the controls rubs them the wrong way, but if you're looking for an old-school experience that isn't a self-conscious throwback and has a narrative you can get your teeth into, it's an unambiguous recommendation from us. It's not perfect – the in-game dialogue is well-written but rough around the edges, with plentiful typos and grammar confusion – but that's not enough to distract from Ministry of Broadcast's terrific level design and superb visuals. Nothing new here, but what it offers is, quite simply, a very, very, very, very good cinematic platformer.
Game Freaks 365
Feb 9, 2020
Ministry of Broadcast is a fascinating intersection of politics and psychology. It’s also an interesting mix of several video game genres: narrative-driven adventure, classic platformer, and puzzle game.
Jan 31, 2020
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