Lithium Inmate 39 is a platform and 3D puzzle game for horror genre. It tells the story of a psychiatric patient who must find the way back to his origins, discovering his past and getting explanations to understanding what is going on in his mind.
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4 reviews found80
Nov 15, 2016
The game features eight trophies, 7 Silver and one Gold, and they can all be obtained in a single run. That’s right, there are no missable trophies in this one! After playing the game for my Lithium: Inmate 39 review, I can certainly recommend that you get this creepy release from indie Canu Arts.
Digitally Downloaded
Nov 18, 2016
Summary and quote unavailable.
Nov 4, 2016
LI:39 is only for the utmost curious and those that want to test their patience. Favorite moment: Solving a boss puzzle or figuring out how to proceed was great.
Nov 22, 2016
Canu Arts decided to utilize the fixed camera to bring about that sense of dread which would accompany exploration in the early Resident Evil games, but it’s that same fixed camera that is going to kill you the most.” This is, essentially, a puzzle solving game but the above traps I mentioned make things fairly difficult in between puzzles.