Darq tells the story of Lloyd, a boy who becomes aware of the fact that he is dreaming. To Lloyd’s misfortune, the dream quickly turns into a nightmare and all attempts to wake up end in failure. While exploring the darkest corners of his subconscious, Lloyd learns how to survive the nightmare by bending the laws of physics and manipulating the fluid fabric of the dream world. The Complete Edition includes the base game + 2 DLCs.
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38 reviews found93
Xbox Tavern
Apr 7, 2021
There’s no shortage of 2D puzzle platformers out there, but few are done with such style, pacing, and intuitiveness as DARQ. A thoroughly enjoyable 2 hours of play that knows not to try and artificially pad the runtime and dilute the experience. The fantastic audio/visual work helps suck us into the atmosphere, and combined with smart puzzle mechanics and movement these add up to make DARQ an easily recommended play.Become a Patron! This game was reviewed based on Xbox One review code, using an Xbox One console.
Apr 15, 2021
Summary and quote unavailable.
Apr 5, 2021
DARQ is a masterclass indiegame with brilliant level design and perfect audio. The brevity of the experience is only amplified by the uniquely grim aesthetic and the mindbending levels that make you hunger for more. *Disclaimer: Reviewed on Xbox Series X.
Dec 28, 2022
Summary and quote unavailable.
Blast Away the Game Review
May 3, 2021
DARQ: Complete Edition will make you play it time and time again, hunting down secret encounters, secret items, and hoping you’ve somehow managed to survive along the way for the best experience yet. For what it’s worth, this is one of those few in the sea of many, that somehow slid under the radar and deserves the chance you’ll give it if you haven’t yet. Our review is based upon a retail version of the game provided to us by the publisher for the review.
Apr 7, 2021
Summary and quote unavailable.
Nov 19, 2021
Summary and quote unavailable.
Digital Chumps
Apr 7, 2021
Darq isn’t the most difficult puzzle game out there, but it does excel in all uniqueness categories. Its greyscale art style adds to its overwhelmingly gothic vibe while providing puzzles that are difficult enough to force you to pause yet easy enough to solve. It’s definitely something to check out, even if you won’t be challenged to the fullest extent.
Finger Guns
Jan 6, 2021
Like trying to solve your way out of a puzzle box that’s persistently creepy and occasionally nightmarish, Darq is an artistic game that leverages perspective to have your cogs turning and your head spinning. There’s a number of puzzles that rely on trial and error and stand our as low points but the rest of the game, including the 2 additional chapters, make this an easy recommendation for puzzle game fans. Darq: Complete Edition is available now on Xbox One (review platform), PS4 and PC via Steam. Developer: Unfold Games Publisher: Feardemic Games Disclaimer: In order to complete this review, we were provided with a promotional copy of the game.
Noisy Pixel
Apr 6, 2021
If you can appreciate a unique art style and want to try your hand at some creative puzzles, then DARQ: Complete Edition is a game you’ll adore. However, there’s very little in the way of narrative build-up that makes your connection to this world and the character flimsy. This is only hurt further by its short runtime, but it still manages to provide an exceptional experience. This post may contain Amazon affiliate links.