Planet Earth is on the brink of invasion after humanity ruined the peace and quiet of the universe with the broadcast of metal music on the Voyager probe's Golden Record. Aliens picked up the signal and couldn't stop headbanging, and now they're dying off because of it… so they want revenge! A few rogue extraterrestrials make their way to the source of the music and abduct two high school students from the Tokyo suburb of Kichijoji: an unnamed boy, and a drummer named Rinko from an outrageous girls-only metal club. The aliens needed an emissary with whom to discuss the terms of their revenge, and felt either of these two would serve nicely. However, being unable to choose between them, the aliens simply decided to merge their souls into a single being! Now, working together, the all-in-one pair must team up with the other members of K.M.G. (the Kichijoji Metal Girls) to rid the planet of these eight-tentacled extraterrestrials using the power of metal. It’s time to rock these music-hating creeps all the way back to whatever planet they came from!
Game analysis
Monster Scorecard
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30 reviews found80
Hardcore Gamer
Nov 5, 2018
Gal Metal’s fun, silly story is a super-cute gateway to the driving rhythms of metal drumming, and once you’ve got a few rhythms in your head, it pays off in a way that makes you want to learn more.
Oct 30, 2018
Summary and quote unavailable.
Dec 27, 2018
Gal Metal not only offers a hilarious interactive manga story,but also an original approach to the rhythm game genre that shakes things up enough to set itself apart from pretty much everything else. The only real drawbacks? The occasional lack of response from the JoyCon,and a price that may be a bit too steep,depending on how hooked players get,and how willing they are to extract every last bit of creative musical freedom that this allows.
Nov 2, 2018
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Nov 2, 2018
Gal Metal is a game with bold choices. The Joy-Con motion controls are interesting, and tightly fit the ideas of the title. In addition, the idea to create your own jams upon existing layers works surprisingly well. That being said, for most, this will be a one-and-done deal. You will play through it and be done after an hour or five. Beyond this, there isn't much to the package, though I do find myself replaying tracks a tiny bit. It really depends on what you're searching for, but as a music game, it certainly knows how to entertain.
Nov 1, 2018
Summary and quote unavailable.
Hobby Consolas
Nov 2, 2018
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Nov 13, 2018
I can see Gal Metal work for music game fans, casual players who are taken in by the motion controls and wacky antics, and anyone looking for something super Japanese and esoteric. It’s also arguably producer Tak Fujii’s best game in a decade. Grumblings about pricing and length aside, this is another welcome slice of eccentric, accessible Japanese game design available on Switch.
Digitally Downloaded
Oct 30, 2018
Gal Metal is a unique experience that combines cute high school girls, galactic adventures, evil aliens and metal music together in one unmissable experience. The characters all stand alone in their own right and the story line is engaging with a few plot twists mixed in which has you wondering as to what will happen next. The game took about five hours to complete however mastering the rhythms and besting those difficult scores aided in my eagerness to replay levels factor and kept me coming back for more.
Oct 30, 2018
Summary and quote unavailable.