Frederic 3 is a continuation of the music games series popular and appreciated around the world. The unique and somewhat crazy plot, music inspired by the classical works, and the title character of Frederic Chopin determine the strength of this game.
Game analysis
Monster Scorecard
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2 reviews found75
Feb 21, 2020
It’s a good thing I managed to follow the music by sound because, while the graphics are fun, I really wish there was an option of a plain background while playing. I have an eyesight problem anyway and the bright, cartoony, and constantly shifting background was playing absolute havoc with my sight, often making it impossible for me to see notes coming until they hit the piano keys and then it was too late to respond. It’s a shame because I love the art style in the cutscenes, but during play it’s just overwhelming and headache-inducing. Difficulty Be prepared to get frustrated with this game.
Aug 30, 2022
Though the amount of content is definitely lacking in Fred3ric, it offers straightforward gameplay and enjoyable melodies. Detailed backdrops also enhance the experience and keep levels looking fresh.