"Set in a mysterious labyrinth of glowing black architecture, Fracter follows a veiled young hero who has set out on a perilous quest to dispel the darkness within. Players must explore this realm of shadows, discover secrets hidden in the dark and outsmart ominous creatures while solving each meticulously designed puzzle using their only force against darkness: light. Fracter features dramatic landscapes in shades of gray, an eerie ambient soundtrack and a poetic, self-reflective narrative that leads players on an emotional journey to restore light to a darkened world."
Game analysis
Monster Scorecard
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9 reviews found85
Sep 25, 2019
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Oct 19, 2020
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God is a Geek
Sep 6, 2019
Mixing puzzles, stealth and even mild horror elements, FRACTER is a short, sweet adventure that’s just fun to play.
Nindie Spotlight
Oct 22, 2020
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The Indie Game Website
Sep 30, 2019
FRACTER is a brief puzzle adventure that doesn’t break the mould. But it’s a well-accomplished port worth checking out at its low asking price.
Movies Games and Tech
Feb 8, 2021
Fracter is a much needed deviation from the normalcies within the gaming realm. It also may introduce atmospheric puzzle games to new players and inspire inquisitive thinking. Loosen your grip on the controller and lower your mental firewall a little. As the credits roll, if you feel anything philosophically, spiritually, or even if you sense just a little goodness deep down, it’s safe to say that Fracter has done its job.
Jump Dash Roll
Sep 5, 2019
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Oct 28, 2019
Although undeniably on the short side, it's hard to ignore just how much solid content FRACTER packs into its short length. With only lines of poetry to guide the way, the title's dark aesthetic, and ethereal soundtrack, offers audiences a puzzle experience that's genuinely unique. The difficulty curve gradually increases, offering minor challenges before throwing some pretty intimidating puzzles in the last few levels. With some well-incorporated stealth elements, it all makes for a well paced experience that never outstays its welcome. That FRACTER pulls everything off with so much style and substance is just a bonus.
Oct 24, 2019
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