Digimon Story: Cyber Sleuth, developed by Media.Vision and published by Bandai Namco Entertainment, and based on the Digimon franchise. It is the fifth game in the Digimon Story series, following 2011's Super Xros Wars, and the first to be released on home consoles. A Digimon game that borrows and improves a lot of elements from Game Freak's Pokemon games, and Digimons can be Captured/Scanned. The battle system for this game has a lot similarities to CTB (conditional turn based) from Final Fantasy X.
Game analysis
Monster Scorecard
Scorecard Coming Soon
We're still gathering data and reviews for this game. Once we have enough information, we'll provide a detailed scorecard breaking down all aspects of the game.
63 reviews found95
Japan Curiosity
Feb 12, 2016
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Gamers' Temple
Jun 11, 2016
Digimon Story: Cyber Sleuth took me by surprise the same way the Digimon TV show did a little while back. The evolution/de-evolution mechanic, the Japanese voice track and the surprisingly mature and deep storyline were my favorite aspects, but the game really has almost no weakness or faults. It is a perfectly balanced and engaging monster collecting game, and I wonder, when the dust settles from Pokemon Sun and Moon in November, which will be the best genre game of 2016.
Mar 8, 2016
Cyber Sleuth is a great game, and one I heartily recommend.
Nov 15, 2019
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Feb 24, 2016
A fun mix of a variety of different game types and a must have for any fans of Digimon. Even if you're not too into it the story is fun and the mechanics are extremely well done.(
Feb 12, 2016
Digimon Story: Cyber Sleuth überzeugt mit einer überraschend hohen Sammel-Motivation, einer interessanten aber etwas langwierigen Geschichte und einem sehr umfangreichen Aufgebot an Digimon und deren Entwicklung. Viele der Gebiete sind zwar sehr linear ausgefallen und auch die Story wird durch die vielen nebensächlichen Dialoge etwas in die länge gezogen, aber ansonsten gibts von uns eine klare Empfehlung an JRPG Fans und vor allem Digimon Fans! Digimon Story Cyber Sleuth ist seit dem 5.
Mar 18, 2016
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Feb 11, 2016
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Hobby Consolas
Feb 11, 2016
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Electric Bento
Oct 19, 2019
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