Valess, a boy earning petty cash in a commune of drifters is suddenly met by Lock, a stand-alone golem. Valess' mother was kidnapped by a terrorist organization, and upon discovering that the leader of that organization has an enormous bounty on his head, Valess receives a golem of his own from Lock and decides to join him on an adventure into the unknown where numerous bounties await. Thus begins their journey of grit and oil across several continents!
Game analysis
Monster Scorecard
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We're still gathering data and reviews for this game. Once we have enough information, we'll provide a detailed scorecard breaking down all aspects of the game.
4 reviews found79
Video Chums
Aug 17, 2021
Armed Emeth is the kind of RPG that you'll start playing and not realise how much time has passed considering how consistently rewarding and enjoyable it is. Its battle system may not be all that thrilling but everything else is spot-on for retro RPG fun.
Sep 21, 2021
Armed Emeth on the surface looks like another pixel turn-based RPG. But while not the biggest looker, this title has many features going for it to make it stand out from the crowd. A compelling story and world with interesting golem customization and a memorable soundtrack. The combat lacks some depth and the difficulty feels a little all over the place at times. But if you need a good RPG to sink some time into Armed Emeth is well worth your time. This is a wasteland full of surprises.
Pure Nintendo
Nov 2, 2021
Summary and quote unavailable.
Turn Based Lovers
Feb 7, 2022
Summary and quote unavailable.