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Bayonetta 2

GenresFantasy, Adventure, Action, Third Person Perspective, Single Player, Multiplayer
AvailableFeb 16, 2018
PlatformNintendo Switch

The witching hour strikes again. Brimming with intricate battles that take place in, on and all over epic set pieces, Bayonetta 2 finds our sassy heroine battling angels and demons in unearthly beautiful HD. You’re bound to love how it feels to string together combos with unimaginable weapons and to summon demons using Bayonetta’s Umbran Weave in this frantic stylized action game.

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Game analysis

Monster Scorecard




Story Score


Positive (80-100)


Mixed (50-79)


Negative (0-49)


Based on analyzing reviews that specifically scored or critiqued the story and narrative.

The opinions of the critics regarding the story of Bayonetta 2 are quite varied. Some critics, such as Atomix and Vgames, appreciate the unique and absurd storyline, filled with comedy and irreverence. They find the story captivating and enjoyable, with Vgames specifically mentioning the protagonist's journey to save her friend from hell while being pursued by angels and demons. Additionally, Eurogamer Italy praises the high-level narrative and unexpected twists in the story, which adds depth and intrigue to the game. On the other hand, several critics express more negative views about the story. Cubed3 and Metro GameCentral both mention characters that are hard to care for and nonsensical dialogue, respectively. They feel that the storytelling is not a strong point of the game and that the story lacks coherence. GameSpot and Twinfinite describe the story as utter nonsense and borderline nonsensical, respectively. However, they also acknowledge that this fits the game's tone perfectly and adds to its charm. Overall, the consensus among the critics is mixed. While some critics appreciate the unique and absurd nature of the story, others find it confusing or lacking in coherence. However, most critics do acknowledge that the story serves its purpose in pushing the player into more outlandish battles and justifying the absurd and dangerous situations in which Bayonetta finds herself. The inclusion of unexpected twists, emotional moments, and a mix of humor and tension also adds depth to the story. Despite the varying opinions, it seems that the majority of critics find the story of Bayonetta 2 to be an enjoyable and integral part of the overall gaming experience.


story and narrative

Critics' opinions on Bayonetta 2's story are all over the map. Some praise the absurd, captivating narrative with unexpected twists, while others criticize it for lacking coherence and having nonsensical dialogue. Despite mixed reviews, most agree that the story adds depth to the game and enhances the outlandish battles Bayonetta faces. Love it or hate it, the story is a key part of the game's charm and overall experience.



Gameplay Score


Positive (80-100)


Mixed (50-79)


Negative (0-49)


Based on analyzing reviews that specifically scored or critiqued the gameplay mechanics.

The opinions of the critics regarding the gameplay of Bayonetta 2 are overwhelmingly positive. The majority of the critics describe the gameplay as action-packed, engaging, and enjoyable. They praise the fast-paced hack and slash combat, with flashy combos and special moves. Critics like Atomix and specifically mention the satisfying attacks with guns and the ability to trigger Witch Time, enhancing the speed of attacks. The gameplay is also commended for its depth and complexity, with FNintendo mentioning that it rewards player reaction time, skill, and expertise. The addition of new moves and weapons, as mentioned by Pocket Gamer UK and Twinfinite, further adds to the positive reception of the gameplay. The combat system is consistently praised, with critics like Eurogamer Italy and Metro GameCentral considering it the highlight of the game. The intuitive controls and deep system of moves and tactics are also highlighted by GameSpot and The Games Machine. While the overall sentiment towards the gameplay of Bayonetta 2 is highly positive, there are a few criticisms mentioned by some critics. Cubed3 mentions that apart from minor additions and a co-operative mode, the gameplay is identical to the original game, which may be seen as a lack of innovation for some players. Additionally, Impulsegamer points out that while the game is easy to pick up, mastering the various moves and weapons can be a challenge, which may be a deterrent for players looking for a more accessible experience. Overall, the consensus among the critics is that the gameplay of Bayonetta 2 is exceptional. The majority of the critics praise the game for its action-packed nature, engaging combat, and satisfying combos. The gameplay is described as deep, sophisticated, and rewarding, with critics like JeuxActu and emphasizing its quality. The combat system is consistently highlighted as one of the best ever seen, with accessible controls and a wide range of moves and tactics. The positive reception of the gameplay, combined with the lack of significant negative opinions, indicates that Bayonetta 2 delivers a highly enjoyable and immersive gameplay experience.


gameplay mechanics

Critics rave about Bayonetta 2's gameplay, praising its action-packed combat, flashy combos, and depth. The addition of new moves and weapons enhances the experience, with the combat system being a standout feature. While some mention a lack of innovation and a learning curve, the overall consensus is overwhelmingly positive, highlighting the game's exceptional quality and immersive gameplay.



Visual Score


Positive (80-100)


Mixed (50-79)


Negative (0-49)


Based on analyzing reviews that specifically scored or critiqued the graphics and visual design.

In terms of the graphics and visual design of Bayonetta 2, the majority of critics have praised the game for its stunning visuals, vibrant colors, and impressive character designs. Critics such as 3DJuegos, Atomix, and GameSpot describe the graphics as stunning, eye-popping, and gorgeous, with detailed environments and pixel-perfect animations. The game is commended for its unique art style, which combines demonic angels and beautiful witches, as mentioned by 3DJuegos. The grandiose architecture, imaginative creature design, and varied color palette are also highlighted by Cubed3. The game's visuals are further praised for their improvement over its predecessor, with improved visuals, colorful environments, and impressive character models on the Nintendo Switch, as noted by GamePro Germany and Impulsegamer. However, there are some critics who have expressed negative opinions regarding the graphics of Bayonetta 2. God is a Geek criticizes the visuals for looking rough, with rough and blurry textures, jagged edges, and a lack of aliasing. JeuxActu mentions that the graphics have aged and are not clear on the Nintendo Switch's handheld mode. IGN Spain criticizes the graphics in docked mode for having jagged edges and poor textures. These criticisms highlight some technical shortcomings and inconsistencies in the visual presentation of the game. Overall, the consensus among the critics is that Bayonetta 2 boasts impressive graphics and visual design, with vibrant colors, stunning environments, and detailed character models. The game is praised for its unique art style, combining demonic angels and beautiful witches, and for its improvement over its predecessor. While there are some criticisms regarding rough textures and technical issues in certain modes, the positive aspects of the graphics outweigh the negatives. The majority of critics appreciate the visuals of Bayonetta 2 and consider it to be visually appealing and visually impressive, making it one of the best-looking games on the Nintendo Switch, as mentioned by Nintendo Life and Nintendo Enthusiast. The overall sentiment is that Bayonetta 2 delivers a visually captivating experience that enhances the gameplay and immerses players in its fantastical world.


graphics and visual design

Critics overwhelmingly praise Bayonetta 2 for its stunning visuals, vibrant colors, and impressive character designs, with detailed environments and pixel-perfect animations. While some critics note rough textures and technical issues, the majority agree that the game's unique art style, combining demonic angels and witches, and overall visual improvement from its predecessor make it visually appealing and one of the best-looking games on the Nintendo Switch.



Sound Score


Positive (80-100)


Mixed (50-79)


Negative (0-49)


Based on analyzing reviews that specifically scored or critiqued the music and sound design.

The overall sentiment towards the sound design and music of Bayonetta 2 is overwhelmingly positive, with the majority of critics praising its quality and contribution to the overall experience. Several critics, such as FNintendo and Hobby Consolas, highlight the game's soundtrack as a standout feature, with FNintendo noting that it alternates between pop and classical music while maintaining the series' quality standards. Hobby Consolas specifically mentions the inclusion of popular songs like "Moon River" and "Fly Me to the Moon" that enhance the fast-paced combat. The soundtrack is also described as warranting playing the game on headphones by God is a Geek, suggesting a level of intricacy and attention to detail in the sound design. In terms of voice acting, Impulsegamer commends the professional delivery and mentions that it adds to the overall experience. Nintenderos also praises the high quality of the voice acting and music, further solidifying the positive sentiment towards the audio elements of the game. Vandal describes the sound design, including the soundtrack, sound effects, and voice acting, as excellent, further reinforcing the consensus among critics that Bayonetta 2 excels in this aspect. While the overwhelming sentiment is positive, there are no specific negative opinions mentioned by the critics. This suggests that the sound design and music of Bayonetta 2 were generally well-received and did not have any significant flaws or drawbacks that stood out to the reviewers. Overall, the analysis of the critics' opinions indicates that the sound design and music of Bayonetta 2 were highly praised. The soundtrack, featuring J-Pop reinterpretations of classic songs, adds to the game's charm and maintains the series' quality standards. The inclusion of popular songs and the professional voice acting contribute to the overall experience and enhance the fast-paced combat. The consensus among the critics is that Bayonetta 2 has excellent sound design, with no significant negative opinions mentioned.


music and sound design

Critics overwhelmingly praise Bayonetta 2's sound design and music, highlighting the standout soundtrack featuring pop and classical music, professional voice acting, and popular songs like "Moon River." The game's audio elements are described as excellent, maintaining the series' quality standards without any notable flaws.



Acting Score


Positive (80-100)


Mixed (50-79)


Negative (0-49)


Based on analyzing reviews that specifically scored or critiqued the voice acting.

The opinions of the critics regarding the voice acting in Bayonetta 2 are varied. Some critics, such as Nintenderos and Twinfinite, praise the voice acting in the game. Nintenderos specifically mentions that the voice acting is of high quality, indicating that the performances are well-executed and add to the overall experience. Twinfinite goes further to describe the lead character, Bayonetta, as wonderful and endearing, suggesting that the voice acting for this character is particularly strong. They also mention that the supporting cast shines, indicating that the voice actors for the secondary characters also deliver commendable performances. These positive opinions highlight the success of the voice acting in Bayonetta 2, showcasing the talent and charisma of the voice actors involved. On the other hand, Metro GameCentral expresses a negative opinion regarding the voice acting. They state that the characters are unlikeable and the dialogue is nonsensical. This implies that the voice acting may not effectively bring the characters to life or convey their personalities in a compelling manner. This criticism suggests that the voice actors may not have been able to fully capture the essence of the characters or deliver performances that resonate with the players. Overall, the consensus among the critics is somewhat divided. While some critics, like Nintenderos and Twinfinite, have positive opinions about the voice acting in Bayonetta 2, others, such as Metro GameCentral, have a more negative view. However, it is worth noting that the majority of the critics mentioned do have positive opinions about the voice acting. This indicates that, on the whole, the voice acting in Bayonetta 2 is well-regarded and adds charisma to the characters, as mentioned by Vandal. Despite the differing opinions, it can be concluded that the voice acting in Bayonetta 2 is generally considered to be of high quality, with some standout performances and a few shortcomings.


voice acting

Critics are split on the voice acting in Bayonetta 2. Some praise it for high quality and strong performances, especially for lead character Bayonetta, while others find the characters unlikeable and the dialogue nonsensical. Overall, opinions vary, but most critics acknowledge the talent and charisma of the voice actors involved, with some standout performances alongside a few shortcomings.



Tech Score


Positive (80-100)


Mixed (50-79)


Negative (0-49)


Based on analyzing reviews that specifically scored or critiqued the technical performance.

In terms of the Technical Performance of Bayonetta 2 on the Nintendo Switch, the majority of critics praised the game for its smooth performance and stable frame rate. Many critics noted improvements in character models, textures, shadows, and lighting, which enhanced the overall visual experience. The game was commended for running at a stable 60 frames per second (fps) on the Nintendo Switch, both in handheld mode and on a TV. Reviewers such as Cubed3 and Hobby Consolas specifically mentioned the improved frame rate and cleaner visuals compared to the Wii U version. Additionally, the Switch version was applauded for its faster load times and reduced frame rate drops, as noted by Metro GameCentral and NintendoWorldReport. The ability to play the game on the go without experiencing significant slowdowns, as mentioned by Eurogamer Italy, was also seen as a positive aspect of the Switch version's technical performance. However, there were a few minor drawbacks mentioned by some critics regarding the Technical Performance on the Nintendo Switch. Atomix pointed out occasional lag and imprecise touchscreen controls, which were described as frustrating. Vandal also mentioned frame rate drops in handheld mode, although it was not considered a major issue. Furthermore, noted a slight decrease in visual quality when playing the first game on a television, which could be seen as a minor drawback for players who prefer playing on a bigger screen. Overall, the consensus among the critics is that the Technical Performance of Bayonetta 2 on the Nintendo Switch is very good. The game was praised for its stable frame rate, improved visuals, faster load times, and reduced frame rate drops compared to the Wii U version. Critics such as 3DJuegos, GamePro Germany, and Twinfinite specifically mentioned the smooth performance and lack of technical issues. The positive feedback from multiple reviewers indicates that the developers successfully optimized the game for the Nintendo Switch, providing an enjoyable and technically impressive experience for players on this platform.


technical performance

Critics lauded Bayonetta 2 on the Nintendo Switch for its smooth performance, stable 60 fps, enhanced visuals, faster load times, and reduced frame rate drops. Some minor drawbacks included occasional lag, imprecise touchscreen controls, and slight visual quality decrease on a TV. Overall, reviewers agree that the game's technical performance on the Switch is top-notch, offering an enjoyable and technically impressive experience for players.



Replay Score


Positive (80-100)


Mixed (50-79)


Negative (0-49)


Based on analyzing reviews that specifically scored or critiqued the replay value.

In analyzing the opinions of multiple reviewers regarding the replay value of Bayonetta 2, it is evident that the game offers several positive aspects that contribute to its replayability. Critics such as 3DJuegos, FNintendo, GameSpot, and Nintendo Enthusiast highlight the presence of additional content, including hidden battles, collectibles, and rewards for replaying. The inclusion of multiplayer modes, both local and online, is also praised by critics like Atomix and God is a Geek. The ability to pursue better scores, complete challenges, and achieve high ratings on different difficulty settings is mentioned by Cubed3, IGN Italia, and Nintendo Life, further enhancing the game's replay value. The presence of unlockable content, secrets, and the challenge of achieving platinum trophies are also mentioned by Hobby Consolas, Impulsegamer, and The Games Machine. However, there are a few critics who mention the lack of new content in the Nintendo Switch version of Bayonetta 2. JeuxActu,, and XGN note the absence of additional content, which may limit the game's replay value for players who have already experienced it on other platforms. Twinfinite also mentions that while the touch controls and Amiibo support are additional features, they primarily make combat easier and are more suitable for a second playthrough, potentially limiting the appeal for some players. Overall, the consensus among the critics is that Bayonetta 2 offers a high level of replay value. The game's additional content, multiplayer modes, and the challenge of pursuing better scores and achievements are widely praised. The presence of hidden battles, collectibles, and unlockable content further enhances the game's replayability. While some critics note the lack of new content in the Nintendo Switch version, the overall sentiment is positive, with critics like GamePro Germany and Pocket Gamer UK emphasizing the game's worthiness of replaying. The portability of the Nintendo Switch version is also mentioned by The Games Machine as a factor that adds to the game's replay value.


replay value

Critics praise Bayonetta 2 for its high replay value due to additional content, multiplayer modes, and challenging gameplay. Some critics mention the lack of new content in the Nintendo Switch version, but overall, the game's worthiness of replaying is emphasized.

Overall verdict

Overall Verdict



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Monster Score


Positive (80-100)


Mixed (50-79)


Negative (0-49)


Based on analyzing all available reviews that scored and critiqued the game.

In analyzing the opinions of multiple videogame reviewers regarding the overall verdict of Bayonetta 2, it becomes evident that the majority of critics had a very positive view of the game. The first paragraph will highlight the positives mentioned by the reviewers, while the second paragraph will delve into any negatives that were mentioned. Finally, the third paragraph will provide an overall consensus of the critics' opinions. The positive aspects of Bayonetta 2 that were consistently praised by the critics include its addictive gameplay, stunning visuals, and refined combat mechanics. Multiple reviewers, such as Atomix and GameSpot, consider the game to be one of the best action games of all time, surpassing its predecessor and offering an astonishing experience. The inclusion of the first Bayonetta game as a bonus was also highly appreciated, with critics like Atomix and FNintendo mentioning it as a must-have for Switch owners. The portability of the Nintendo Switch was another positive aspect that was highlighted by reviewers like and IGN Spain. Additionally, the game's strong replay value and balanced difficulty level were commended by 3DJuegos and FNintendo. While the overall consensus of the critics' opinions is overwhelmingly positive, there were a few negatives mentioned. Some critics, such as and, noted the lack of substantial new content in the collection, which may disappoint players who were expecting more additions. Additionally, criticized unnecessary re-releases in the past, which could be seen as a minor drawback. However, these negatives were outweighed by the positive aspects mentioned by the majority of the critics. In summary, the overall consensus of the critics' opinions regarding the overall verdict of Bayonetta 2 is that it is a must-play game and one of the best action games available. The game's addictive gameplay, stunning visuals, and refined combat mechanics were consistently praised. The inclusion of the first Bayonetta game as a bonus, the portability of the Nintendo Switch, and the strong replay value were also highlighted as positive aspects. While a few critics mentioned the lack of substantial new content, the overwhelmingly positive reviews indicate that Bayonetta 2 is a highly recommended game that surpasses its predecessor and offers an exceptional gaming experience.


Bayonetta 2 received rave reviews from critics for its addictive gameplay, stunning visuals, and refined combat mechanics. Critics praised it as one of the best action games ever, with the inclusion of the first game as a bonus and the Switch's portability adding to its appeal. While some critics noted a lack of new content, overwhelmingly positive reviews make Bayonetta 2 a must-play game that surpasses its predecessor and offers an exceptional gaming experience.



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116 reviews found



Nintendo Switch

Feb 20, 2018

AI-generated summary • May contain inaccuracies • See full review for precise details

The reviewer considers Bayonetta 2 on Switch to be an absolute masterpiece that should be experienced, with no identified issues.

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Nintendo Switch

Feb 14, 2018

AI-generated summary • May contain inaccuracies • See full review for precise details

Bayonetta 2 maintains the qualities that made it one of the best action games of all time. It adds technical improvements, multiplayer options, amiibo functionality, and portability. It is considered one of the best games for the Nintendo Switch.


Nintendo Switch

Feb 14, 2018

AI-generated summary • May contain inaccuracies • See full review for precise details

The game is described as an essential and enjoyable experience, with no significant changes from the original Wii U version.

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Nintendo Switch

Mar 1, 2018

AI-generated summary • May contain inaccuracies • See full review for precise details

The reviewer highly recommends Bayonetta 2, stating that it is a must-play action game with a captivating story, amazing music, and stunning visuals.

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Nintendo Switch

Feb 14, 2018

AI-generated summary • May contain inaccuracies • See full review for precise details

The game is considered a classic and one of the most fun games to play, surpassing its predecessor and creating an astonishing experience.

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Switch Player

Nintendo Switch

Feb 14, 2018

AI-generated summary • May contain inaccuracies • See full review for precise details

Bayonetta 2 is a game of astonishing quality and the absolute peak of the hack 'n' slash genre.

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Nintendo Switch

Feb 14, 2018

AI-generated summary • May contain inaccuracies • See full review for precise details

Bayonetta 2 is a visually impressive and enjoyable Hack & Slash game that offers a unique experience on the Nintendo Switch. It is a worthy addition to the Bayonetta series.

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IGN Spain

Nintendo Switch

Feb 14, 2018

AI-generated summary • May contain inaccuracies • See full review for precise details

Bayonetta 2 is considered a must-play for hack'n'slash genre lovers and is praised as the pinnacle of Platinum Games' work. The portable mode is particularly praised.

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Nintendo Switch

Feb 14, 2018

AI-generated summary • May contain inaccuracies • See full review for precise details

Bayonetta 2 is a must-play hack & slash game with great gameplay, characters, and artistic direction. The technical shortcomings are overshadowed by the overall experience.

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Hobby Consolas

Nintendo Switch

Feb 14, 2018

AI-generated summary • May contain inaccuracies • See full review for precise details

The reviewer considers Bayonetta 2 to be the best game on the Nintendo Switch so far, praising its addictive gameplay and the inclusion of the first game as a bonus.

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