Unknown Fate is an enigmatic story-driven action adventure set in a surreal world full of mind-twisting puzzles and bizarre creatures. Set off on an amazing journey through Unknown Fate, a strongly story-driven first-person adventure with many puzzles to solve and enemies to beat. Become Richard, who suddenly passes seamlessly from the real world into a surreal universe. You’ll encounter strange characters, unfamiliar artifacts and scenes resembling Richard’s former life, of which he has lost all memory. Yet, he knows that this is not where he is supposed to be. The world he has come to inhabit is strange and distant. He feels the urge to find out more about this surreal universe and the creatures inhabiting it, in order to find a way out – out and back to his real self, his real life that he knows he has yet to fully recall. With no way back and a strong urge for answers beating in your temples, you push on, striving to get a grip on the odd difficulties surrounding you, eagerly awaiting the moment your mind will become untangled when the thread of your journey finally unravels all the way.
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18 reviews found65
Mar 5, 2019
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Video Chums
May 8, 2019
It may seem like just another walking sim at first but Unknown Fate contains plenty of memorable moments set in a haunting world.Unknown Fate gameplay video → Let's Play Unknown Fate video → Dig Dog Review Switch ★★★☆☆ Arcade-style games are usually clearly inspired by the classics yet Dig Dog is an original and fun little game. Dig Dog has you control a dog as you dig through enemy-filled stages.
May 1, 2019
Unknown Fate on Xbox One is a mixed bag. I love the concept, the world, and the experience that really has compelled me to keep playing. On the other hand, the control system and the game-stopping bugs have ruined things multiple times; thankfully the overall experience has a strong enough lure to make you want to go back.
Sep 7, 2018
Unknown Fate isn’t one of these pickup and play mobile titles for a quick 20-30 minutes of gameplay, this needs patience. Mainly to unlock the story so you can figure out what’s going on but also because it’s not exactly content rich – some elements are spaced out. There’s some lovely design work at play between the audio and visuals but it’s debatable whether that’s enough to see you through the 4+ hours of gameplay available.
Dec 19, 2018
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Apr 2, 2019
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Oct 2, 2019
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Sep 18, 2018
Overall I think playing Unknown Fate through on a PC with a regular controller really highlighted the elements that were lacking in the game. Things like mundane combat and easy puzzles are evident too in VR, but they are somewhat masked by the immersion factor that VR provides. Stripped of that feeling of total immersion, you get something wholly dependent on the story to drive your interest forward – and of course that’s provided a bug or two along the way doesn’t sap some enjoyment out of the experience. While I like the effort to make the game work with both VR and traditional PC gaming, it could use more polish and ironing out so as to make a better experience for all involved.
The Nintendo Nomad
Mar 5, 2019
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Apr 26, 2019
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