In a magical town there lives a candy alchemist, Syrup, who one day discovers a candy golem in her basement. Where did she come from? Who could've made her? Go find out! Featuring a memorable cast of colorful characters and 10 unique endings. Your choices affect the story! Will Syrup achieve her dream of making the Ultimate Sweet, or will she meet a much more tragic fate...
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Monster Scorecard
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15 reviews found80
Xbox Tavern
Mar 16, 2020
Syrup and The Ultimate Sweet isn’t a game that is meant for everyone. It is a visual novel after all. For its short playtime, you get to experience a satisfying story with 10 different endings and outcomes. I myself enjoyed my time with it though. Playing this game reminded me how much of a guilty pleasure visual novels are of mine; maybe it will do the same for you.
Gaming Age
Jan 6, 2021
Summary and quote unavailable.
Mar 15, 2020
A super-sweet little visual novel with some rather dark humour elements, Syrup and the Ultimate Sweet is a good way to while away an hour or two with a cup of coffee. I’m not sure how the game came under PEGI 3: I don’t want to put spoilers in here, but with the naked candy girl and the whole eating-a-sentient-being thing, the age rating is surprising. On the other hand, it’s cutesy enough that it never feels malicious.
May 6, 2020
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Area Xbox
Mar 16, 2020
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Apr 8, 2020
Summary and quote unavailable.
Pure Nintendo
Mar 30, 2020
Syrup and the Ultimate Sweet is a short, sweet game that has enough heart and replayability to it that it is definitely worth the cheap price.
PlayStation Country
Mar 16, 2020
Summary and quote unavailable.
Mar 6, 2020
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Feb 11, 2021
For those with little time on their hands, or who are new to genre, Syrup and the Ultimate Sweet is an ideal visual novel on the Nintendo Switch. Short in length, and cute in style, with memorable characters, it makes it easy to replay to discover new aspects to each character and see all the endings without getting fed up of seeing the same text over and over. The truth of the candy golem's creation is a fine plot twist that puts a different view to the start of the tale when replaying it. The genuine life lessons it teaches, and the resulting personality changes are delightful to read, and provide food for thought alongside all the sweet treats included.