The world of Ishtera is populated by two races: dragonkind, who have lived there for eons, and the heavenkind, who have recently appeared. Auralee, an aspiring knight from the farming town of Berri, stumbles upon something unexpected during one of her patrols. After a rather inelegant introduction, Kerr states he's really an Earth Dragon. Whether he likes it or not, Auralee is now involved in his mission to regain his dragon form. Along with some help by a fellow dragonkind named Ilmari, their journey begins...
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Monster Scorecard
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5 reviews found80
Dec 22, 2020
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Pure Nintendo
Dec 31, 2020
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Nintendo Blast
Jan 15, 2021
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Nindie Spotlight
Dec 11, 2020
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Movies Games and Tech
Jan 7, 2021
If you fancy a title that shows the friendship between 3 strangers building as they undertake an adventure together, then Autumn’s Journey is the game for you. A short and lighthearted affair that allows you to explore the lore of this strange land while enjoying the fantasy setting it all unfolds in. Do I recommend you try this? Yes, if you want a quick read of something that doesn’t take itself too seriously. Will Auralee become the Knight she has always inspired to be? Can Kerr find his dragon form? Why not grab a drink, sit down, and enjoy how this tale unfolds.