"Steel Rats is a visceral and groundbreaking evolution of the 2.5D action arcade genre, fusing destructive, octane-fuelled motorbike combat and death-defying stunt gameplay, set in a visually stylised retro future world. Become one with your bike as you master the realistic physics based controls of these powerful and deadly vehicles. Choose how you want to tear through the stylised and highly detailed environments of Steel Rats, traversing up, down left and right as your bike speeds fluidly in and out of the game world, over rooftops and through enemy-infested tunnels."
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44 reviews found85
Nov 13, 2018
Steel Rats is an awesome 2.5D platformer that makes great use of motorcycle based combat. The team of four bikers are badass and unique, prompting you to try them all out, and being able to switch between them on the fly keeps gameplay fresh.
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Jun 6, 2019
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Nov 27, 2018
Steel Rats, with its demanding combat and big-budget action, pretty much builds a whole new genre around itself. I’ve seen stunt racing and vehicular combat before, but the developers have blended the two so exquisitely that the it defies comparison to anything else. Naturally, Steel Rats ends with an obvious sequel hook, so I’ll end this review with a ‘More, please.’ Disclosures: This game is developed and published by Tate Multimedia.
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Video Chums
Nov 7, 2018
If you wish Trials games had more killer robots and allowed you to move in a third dimension then Steel Rats is definitely worth playing.Steel Rats gameplay video → Urban Trial Playground Review Zarvot Review Switch ★★★★☆ Who needs to relate to characters when you can play as a cube? Zarvot features awesome shooting gameplay so let's get straight to it. Zarvot features an extensive single player campaign as well as a super-fun multiplayer component.
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Jun 3, 2019
Steel Rats races into near perfection, with only a few downsides to controls and aiming. It’s easily one of my favorite new titles released this year. Score: Highly Recommended Steel Rats was published and developed by Tate Multimedia S.A.
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Eurogamer Italy
Nov 8, 2018
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