Space Invaders Extreme combines the captivating essence of the original game with a stunning alliance of futuristic graphic design and cutting-edge audio. The gameplay experience has been developed to maximise on the consoles' abilities, offering players a whole new range of amazing features including a vast array of new power-ups.
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7 reviews found100
Digitally Downloaded
Feb 5, 2018
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Gaming Age
Feb 9, 2018
There isn’t much else to say about Space Invaders Extreme, except playing it is a whole lot of simple fun, and will trigger your nostalgia greatly. It takes a formula that worked in the 1980s and added just enough spice to give today’s gamers a thrill. At $19.99, it may be a little expensive to some who have never heard of the series (or played it on previous last gen platforms). If you haven’t, I highly recommend playing the original game, then once you are accustomed, jump into Extreme with both feet and have a blast. For those who love the series already, this is a no brainer. Space Invaders Extreme is a must own for your Steam library!
Hardcore Gamer
Feb 7, 2018
Space Invaders had slipped off the gaming radar when Extreme revived the series and a decade later it’s still a great shooter that deserves to be pulled from the resting grounds of old hardware onto something more accessible. On the surface it’s a flashy crowd-pleaser, but underneath there’s a good amount of room for skilled play to pay off in high scores. Whether you choose to play for the light show or a spot on the leaderboard is personal choice, but neither option is a bad one and both offer plenty of high-energy shooting action. It’s great to have Space Invaders Extreme back, dancing away on a modern platform, and maybe if it does OK for itself we could get Infinity Gene as well. There’s always hope.
Feb 7, 2018
The story with Space Invaders Extreme is that it's brutal and unforgiving, but not in an immediately obvious manner. It's not like those danmaku shmups, where ships have to make pixel perfect dodges through seas of neon pink death. All of the challenge is in the complex and very exact scoring system. The infectious grooves and charming graphics could almost be considered a smokescreen, for all of the challenge and frustration that can be found within. Still, there aren't serious problems that could affect the player's chances of success. This puzzle-shooter is finely tuned and superbly designed. The perfect controls also ensure that it's only the player's fault if a run fails. All in all, Space Invaders Extreme is an experience as wonderful as it difficult.
Feb 11, 2018
If the price were a bit cheaper, or if even online multiplayer were included, I’d readily recommend this port without a problem. As it stands, while Space Invaders Extreme on PC is solid and certainly looks and sounds the best out of any available version, the lack of such an awesome mode just sours my opinion on it.
IGN Spain
Feb 15, 2018
Summary and quote unavailable.
Feb 21, 2018
Even with all of the bells, whistles, and new gameplay mechanics, Space Invaders Extreme manages to nail the challenge and thrill associated with its ancestor. Blazing speed, an empowered player, and enemies with varied abilities can’t obscure the fact that it’s the classic foundation underneath that makes this game work so well, and SIE proves that it’s still viable today. Disclosures: This game is developed by TAITO and published by Degica and TAITO.