Pocky & Rocky Reshrined follows the adventures of a young Shinto shrine maiden named Pocky and her companion, Rocky the raccoon, as they take on the Nopino Goblins! A third sequel in the series, Pocky & Rocky Reshrined is currently being developed by Tengo Project and expected for release on PlayStation 4 and Nintendo Switch in the second half of 2021. Tengo Project consists of staff who worked on the original, as well as Wild Guns: Reloaded and Ninja Saviors: Return of the Warriors.
Game analysis
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30 reviews found100
Jun 24, 2022
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Nintendo Life
Apr 25, 2022
Despite us making numerous comparisons to the Super Nintendo game, Pocky & Rocky: Reshrined is, for the vast majority, a completely new entry in the series. And that’s worth celebrating for several reasons. Tengo Project, well aware of the original’s pedigree, was smart enough to only use it as inspiration, rather than attempt to follow its lead beat-for-beat. Within this modern framework, the developer has constructed a thrilling tapestry of light, colour, and action-packed junctures for hardcore gamers to get their teeth into. Is it better than Natsume’s venerable 1992 outing? No, but it’s about on par, albeit for slightly different reasons. Pocky & Rocky: Reshrined is a blessing, a gorgeous-looking, delightfully artful new interpretation of a much-loved classic, and a noteworthy example of what can be achieved, creatively, with the 2D medium. If you’re even mildly into the application of old-school gaming disciplines, it should be snapped up without a second thought.
The Mako Reactor
Jun 24, 2022
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Noisy Pixel
Jun 27, 2022
Pocky & Rocky Reshrined is a fantastic remake of an acclaimed classic which deserved a wider audience, and this latest release is a great way to bring in new and old players alike. The story mode provides a satisfying and challenging experience where you come to grips with a diverse cast of characters and play styles, before diving into the endless replay value of two-player coop. Modern or retro, this is just a fun game to come back to again and again. This post may contain Amazon affiliate links.
Forever Classic Games
Jul 6, 2022
Anyone looking for an arcade-style cooperative game definitely needs to check out Pocky & Rocky Reshrined. For the collectors out there, there are a few ways to get a physical release of Pocky & Rocky Reshrined.
Jun 24, 2022
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Jun 24, 2022
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Rectify Gaming
Dec 12, 2023
Pocky & Rocky Reshrined successfully marries the charm of the original with contemporary gaming expectations. The dedication of the TENGO PROJECT shines through in every aspect, resulting in a game that feels both familiar and fresh. Whether you’re a longtime fan of the series or a newcomer to the world of shrine maiden shooters, Reshrined is a delightful experience that stands as a testament to the enduring appeal of classic gaming. Developer – NatsumeAtari Inc.
Gamers Heroes
Mar 14, 2023
For those who don’t mind a short runtime and a somewhat steep price tag, Pocky & Rocky Reshrined’s old-school cool is a retro revival that evokes nostalgia while still being new. For those that appreciate a challenge, its insistence on muscle memory and pattern recognition will be just what the shrine maiden ordered. Cornering the shrine maiden shooter market, Pocky and Rocky are back for another go-around with the PC release of NatsumeAtari’s Pocky & Rocky Reshrined.
Hey Poor Player
Jun 29, 2022
Despite some strange design choices, Pocky & Rocky Reshrined captures the charm of the original game and still feels great to play all these years later. Added variety makes this the best version of Pocky & Rocky and makes me long for this dynamic duo to be given a truly original title now that they’ve fought their way out of obscurity.