In the midst of a violent invasion of Earth by unknown alien forces, photojournalist Wakatsuki Tetsuya comes across a scantily-clad alien woman, cutting a swath of death through the Terran ranks with her sword. After a chaotic struggle, Tetsuya is knocked unconscious, only to awaken aboard her starship. To his surprise, she turns out to be Kahm, the invaders' princess - and she has picked Tetsuya for a starring role in her upcoming wedding. As the groom....
Game analysis
Monster Scorecard
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6 reviews found82
Game Informer
Mar 7, 2023
Though the unforgiving moments where I watched my followers drop like flies wore on me at times, I loved how each scenario challenged me to balance all of these factors to accomplish a set of goals. Outlanders can be challenging and frustrating, but I rarely felt overwhelmed. Outlanders doesn't deliver on the grand scale of the large city simulations many associate with the genre, but its small-scale approach appeals to the task-oriented part of your brain, creating an immensely satisfying experience that brought me back time and time again.
Mar 7, 2023
Outlanders is a fun game with a significant challenge for the player. I enjoyed trying to meet the leaders’ demands on each mission. I didn’t always succeed first try, but that’s part of the challenge to try again.
May 30, 2023
Outlanders blends satisfying strategy with an enticingly chill vibe, and packs a surprising amount of humor into its mostly wordless story. Don’t let its cute exterior fool you — Outlanders will test your strategic abilities even as it draws you in with its cozy charm. Pros: Fun, relaxed take on the city builder genre Charming art and music Unique goals make each level feel different Cons: Difficulty varies wildly from stage to stage Slow pacing makes some levels drag on Score: 8/10 Small Running Title . . . Robin Bea Robin is a game critic with a soft spot for cozy life sims, heartfelt queer stories, and giant robots.
Apr 5, 2023
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Mar 7, 2023
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Rock, Paper, Shotgun
Mar 7, 2023
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