Oddworld: Munch's Oddysee is set in the fictional Oddworld universe and take place after those of Abe's Exoddus. The player controls Munch as well as Abe, the hero of the previous Oddworld games. Abe's abilities haven't changed much since the last installment: as before, GameSpeak must be used to communicate with other creatures, leading them to safety. His fellow Mudokons can now be ordered to attack enemies. Abe can also grab and toss Mudokons or Munch to lead them to area they cannot access otherwise. Possessing enemies also comes into play, and is needed to solve many of the puzzles. Possession abilities can now be used to ignite quarrels between enemies and make them fight each other. The player can change between Abe and Munch instantly throughout most of the game. Munch brings on the table new abilities of his own: he can use his sonar to control or immobilize specific creatures, as well as swim. Another new addition is the possibility to use vending machines, which sell various items that enhance the abilities of the protagonists. At certain points Abe and Munch can also remote-control mechanical creatures.
Game analysis
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22 reviews found77
Worth Playing
May 14, 2020
For a game that's almost 20 years old, Munch's Oddysee on the Switch holds up incredibly well. It's a fun and creative platformer in an odd world that is still super fun to play and figure out from start to finish. Don't expect any technical leaps forward or special additions to this Switch version. If you already own Munch's Oddysee on another platform, there is not much reason to buy the Switch port, unless you must have a portable version of it at all times.
Hobby Consolas
May 14, 2020
Summary and quote unavailable.
May 14, 2020
As an easy-to-pickup game, Oddworld: Munch’s Oddysee is an enjoyable choice for those who aren’t looking for too much of a challenge but would like to utilize their brain and platforming skills for something fun and simple. With an interesting plot and two funky protagonists, Munch’s Oddysee provides a smartly made game with forgiving deaths and options, giving players the freedom to explore with minimal consequences.
May 14, 2020
Oddworld: Munch's Oddysee is a pure and simple port of the original game that runs perfectly on the Switch. 3.5 Hi Abe! This is a review for the Switch port of Oddworld: Munch’s Oddysee, a game that is almost twenty years old at this point.
Video Chums
May 16, 2020
Oddworld: Munch's Oddysee HD encapsulates a time in gaming when 3D puzzle platformers were still in their infancy yet its campaign is undeniably fun and full of variety. However, many facets of its adventure simply don't hold up well with today's standards in mind.
Digital Chumps
Feb 15, 2020
Summary and quote unavailable.
Use a Potion
May 17, 2020
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Jan 10, 2011
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May 14, 2020
All in all, I do have to say that Oddworld: Munch’s Oddysee was a nice nostalgic experience, but its quirkiness isn’t quite enough to make up for its frustrating controls and terrible early 3D platforming camera problems. It’s a shame that the recent ports have only given it a facelift and not some desperately needed quality of life improvements. It’s charming and has some hilariously weird characters, but that’s unfortunately buried under the faulty gameplay mechanics.
PC Gamer UK
Feb 24, 2011
Summary and quote unavailable.