Japan. From time immemorial, there are those who possess superhuman abilities. These beings who looked like a cross between man and beast are called Demi-Humans. They acted as Ninja and served those in power. And so time passes to present day—— "We have come from the Fuuma Village to fulfill an ancient contract. To serve you! Nin♪" Yura and Tama. These ninja cats made their dynamic entrance. These cats approached our hero with their loving aura in full bloom. Their adorableness and will causes our hero to be taken by them. But how will he support them? How on earth do you use ninja in this day and age? As he ponders this question, the sense of being a master begins to sprout in our hero when he interacts with these lovely cats. But who is spying on them from the shadows…? A heartfelt tale of cat ninja who won't shut up about loyalty, with a bit of action thrown in the mix!
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3 reviews found75
Apr 24, 2017
Summary and quote unavailable.
Jul 1, 2017
Like root beer, Neko-Nin exHeart is so bubbly and cloying that it's almost vile. Yura and Tama's antics will cause viewers to shift their feelings from uncomfortable to heart-warming in as little time as it takes to snap their fingers. Despite these sudden shifts, they're liable to stick around and see the story to its end. The most frightening possibility is that they're likely to enjoy it. Sure, the high-quality artwork and solid presentation make for a pleasurable experience. There's just something so insidious about the whole affair. How deep does this rabbit hole go? After witnessing this spectacle, can someone still admit that they're the same person as they were before? …Nin.
Hardcore Gamer
Apr 24, 2017
NEKO-NIN exHeart is not a game for every visual novel lover out there. It’s squarely targeted at the audience who knows they like catgirls and seek out stories about them regardless of quality.