Luna The Shadow Dust is a fully hand-animated Point&Click puzzle adventure, brought to life through wordless storytelling, beautiful cinematics and a breathtaking original soundtrack. Inspired by the adventure games of old, LUNA The Shadow Dust is a moving tale of two playable companions drawn together in a hand-animated puzzle adventure, featuring a breathtaking original soundtrack and beautiful 2D cinematics.
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47 reviews found100
But Why Tho?
Feb 13, 2020
Overall, LUNA: The Shadow Dust is a must-buy for fans of puzzle games or if you’re looking for a beautiful game to decompress to. As a point and click, the game isn’t stressful and the music is both serene and grand that it lulls you and before you know it, you’ve finished the game. While it isn’t incredibly long, the simplicity is worth the price tag because of how beautiful the art and story are. LUNA: The Shadow Dust is available exclusively on Windows, Mac, and Linux for a price of $19.99. LUNA: The Shadow Dust - 10/10 TL;DR LUNA: The Shadow Dust is a must-buy for fans of puzzle games or if you’re looking for a beautiful game to decompress to…While it isn’t incredibly long, the simplicity is worth the price tag because of how beautiful the art and story are. Kate is co-founder, EIC, and CCO of BWT.
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Washington Post
Feb 27, 2020
From the start, its beautiful hand-drawn visuals, dreamlike puzzles, and mysterious story line — which unfolds without a word of dialogue — drew me in and held my interest until the credits. Perhaps not since “Forgotton Anne” has a game so skillfully adopted the texture of animated films in its moment-to-moment gameplay. “Luna” opens with a boy plunging through the air from a great height as a ghostly entity tries to catch up with him.
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Hey Poor Player
Feb 13, 2020
Without a doubt, LUNA The Shadow Dust is the most beautiful game I’ve played in a long time. A scintillating yet simple story told with no words, only the deepest emotions conveyed through glorious art and hypnotizing music, I was legitimately moved to tears multiple times. Of course, a few of those tears shed were in frustration over a puzzle or two, but in the end, it only extended my time with a phenomenal masterpiece crafted by video game artisans. A powerful, cautionary tale of those who forget that the brightest lights yield the longest shadows, LUNA The Shadow Dust is worth every single penny and will no doubt stay with players for years to come.
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Noisy Pixel
Feb 13, 2020
Luna: The Shadow Dust is a nice nod to classic point-and-click puzzle games. Everything melds together beautifully, and it provided me with a solid puzzle experience. Despite my aversion to this genre, I found the experience pleasant overall. Some of the puzzles left me stumped, but after getting through them I felt accomplished in their defeat. This post may contain Amazon affiliate links.
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Pardis Game
Mar 19, 2020
Summary and quote unavailable.
Marooners' Rock
Mar 18, 2020
Making your way through the tower and uncovering more of the mystery and story is really enjoyable and the puzzles themselves offer enough challenge to make solving them satisfying without being too frustrating. It all comes together in a package that is appealing to not just me but my 5-year-old daughter too. We thoroughly enjoyed playing through this together and I would recommend it to any parent looking for a more educational based game to play with or to get for their kids. Learn more about Luna The Shadow Dust on the official website.
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