Take on the role of a young man who appears as a transfer student at Kamiyoshi Academy in Shinjuku, Tokyo. While he seems like a normal student, he is actually a treasure hunter. His mission is to discover a mysterious ruin hidden deep beneath the school. Accompanied by his new friends from school, he sets out to discover the mysteries of a super ancient civilization. However, numerous traps, monsters called “Kehito” that lurk within the ruins, and the clutches of the “student council” stand in his way! Build your relationship with friends, solve puzzles, dodge traps, defeat enemies, and discover the great mysteries and treasure sealed beneath the school!
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10 reviews found90
Chalgyr's Game Room
Mar 1, 2021
Overall I found that Kowloon High School is a great combination of genres rolled up in a nostalgic Indiana Jones/Tomb Raider style package. Yes it might be a little dated looking, and it may be a little clunky and awkward here and there, but it has a real charm that just can't be denied. Everything from combat, to ruin exploration, to puzzle solving has that right feeling to it that kept me coming back for more. I seriously suggest picking this up if you are any sort of fan of dungeon crawlers or puzzle solving games with combat mechanics, because this was a really great adventure that felt exactly like that: an adventure.
Feb 14, 2021
Summary and quote unavailable.
Nintendo Blast
Jun 13, 2021
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The Mako Reactor
Apr 9, 2021
While it is definitely dated in some ways, I ended up enjoying my time spent with it a lot more than expected. The way it blends multiple genres together and manages to keep your attention almost all the way is commendable given the game’s age. If you’re ok with some dated mechanics, there’s a lot to love in this treasure hunting mystery adventure RPG. H
Noisy Pixel
Feb 8, 2021
Getting through Kowloon High-School Chronicle will make you feel like a true adventurer. It’s not user friendly at all, though, and you’ll be stumbling on the controls hours into playing. Still, similar to the relics you discover in-game, this adventure is a product of its time and really fun to play. I think it holds up in many ways in terms of illustration, character interaction, and unique puzzles that make it a must place for western fans of the genre. This post may contain Amazon affiliate links.
Feb 25, 2021
Kowloon High-School Chronicle, a story about hunting for lost relics, is a relic in its own right. The comparisons to both older and modern Persona games are inevitable, but there is much more here under the surface. Kowloon High-School Chronicle is certainly a historical oddity, but its zany storytelling and confluence of disparate genres makes this trip back to high school worth it.
Hey Poor Player
Feb 19, 2021
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Mar 17, 2021
It’s too bad because the positive things this game does with its gameplay, characters, and how those elements interact with one another are impressive, innovative design and could easily be scooped out of this game and dropped into a much more agreeable story. But the premise and the all-around gross vibe drag down Kowloon High-School Chronicle. There is fun to be had if you’re willing to wade through the muck, but some people just won’t want to. The game’s director Akiyoshi Imai and producer Juzo Kanazawa have indicated they are considering a sequel, and this new release, in part, is intended to gauge interest for a sequel.
Movies Games and Tech
Apr 3, 2022
Summary and quote unavailable.
Feb 15, 2021
Kowloon High-School Chronicle is a hard game to recommend. It’s old in a way that makes it unpleasant at times, but the core concept is rock solid. Once you get past that initial wall of text, you’re in the clear. That being said, there are much better dungeon crawlers out there, and Kowloon is not good enough to recommend over them. What it has in spades, however, is a theme that is quirky, endearing, outlandish and totally unique. I would wait for a sale before you pick this up, and even then, only if you really appreciate Japanese-Indiana Jones-Anime-Horror-Comedies. WAIT FOR SALE ON KOWLOON HIGH-SCHOOL CHRONICLE If you enjoy quirky RPGs, perhaps you’d like to take a look at Undead Darlings Many thanks goes to Arc System Works for a Nintendo Switch review code. Support High-Quality And Detailed Coverage Want to support the cost of us bringing you these articles or just buy us a coffee for a job well done? Click the Ko-fi button below.