Jack Jeanne is an opera-themed otome game, produced and illustrated by Sui Ishida (Tokyo Ghoul) and co-written by Ishida and Shin Towada (Tokyo Ghoul light novels). Protagonist Kisa Tachibana is given an opportunity to fulfill her dream of going to the All Boys Univeil Drama School where she must develop bonds and rivalries with her classmates while hiding her identity as a girl.
Game analysis
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15 reviews found100
Jun 20, 2023
AI-generated summary • May contain inaccuracies • See full review for precise details
Trinity Trigger is a hard pill to swallow due to its price point and paid DLC
Digitally Downloaded
Jun 6, 2023
Jack Jeanne is a celebration of the finest qualities of theatre, held within a visual novel that’s enjoyable to read. It has some distinctive, evocative art, and some minigames that help make the overall experience even more engaging. Yes, sure, future generations might not study these plays in school, as they do Shakespeare and Chekov, but the plays-within-the-game framing allows the writers to explore a love for the form, and that passion and respect infuses every second of the experience.
GLHF on Sports Illustrated
Jul 3, 2023
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God is a Geek
Jul 11, 2023
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Jun 14, 2023
Jack Jeanne is an interesting otome title focusing more on its plot and emotional buildup than on direct romance. However, it still manages to spin a compelling and thought-provoking narrative with a whole lot of heart. Jack Jeanne celebrates creativity with characters you can truly appreciate when the final curtain falls. It’s a prime example of a game taking an innovative risk by leaping into the unknown and becoming a much stronger gaming experience.
Jun 23, 2023
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Jul 2, 2023
Jack Jeanne is an absolute delight. It’s one of my favorite games of 2023. I’d easily consider it my favorite Switch otome game, in the same way Tokimeki Memorial Girl’s Side 3rd Story stole my heart on the 3DS. It’s so well-executed. Anyone who enjoys visual novels, even if they normally don’t go for ones that are dating sims, should give it a chance.
Noisy Pixel
Jun 16, 2023
Jack Jeanne is an amazing otome experience that you won’t want to put down. Still, repetition within some of the systems hurt the pacing on multiple playthroughs, and the narrative is practically begging for a sequel. However, it managed to keep me engaged, with some routes being an absolute rollercoaster of emotions. Hopefully, we see Aksys take more chances on these lesser-known otome developers in the future. This post may contain Amazon affiliate links.
Jun 1, 2023
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Jul 9, 2023
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