Clannad follows the life of Tomoya Okazaki, a high school delinquent who meets many people in his last year at school, including five girls, and helps resolve their individual problems. The gameplay of Clannad follows a branching plot line which offers pre-determined scenarios with courses of interaction, and focuses on the appeal of the five female main characters by the player character. The game was ranked as the best-selling PC game sold in Japan for the time of its release, and charted in the national top 50 several more times afterwards.
Game analysis
Monster Scorecard
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10 reviews found100
Sep 13, 2019
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Dec 14, 2015
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God is a Geek
Aug 12, 2019
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Pelit (Finland)
Mar 31, 2016
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Gamer Escape
Dec 18, 2015
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Digitally Downloaded
Dec 23, 2015
I don’t remember the last time I was so interested in a story labelled as “romance,” but then came Clannad and everything changed. I never know a romance story could be so engaging, so multifaceted, and so emotional. The choice of a perceived bad boy as protagonist was an interesting one as opposed to showing the innocent girl fall in love with the rebel, a scenario played out far too often in Hollywood.
Hardcore Gamer
Dec 20, 2015
Clannad is a visual novel that everyone should complete at least once in their lives. The hard part will be securing enough time to persist through every route in the proper way to see the true ending. It’s tremendously unfortunate to see typos and other technical issues greeting players right out of the gate, but at least Sekai Project have endeavored to resolve them rather than moving straight on to another game.
Jan 29, 2016
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Brash Games
Dec 21, 2015
My biggest complaint to the CLANNAD visual novel is just how long it is. Having all the different routes and choices is great but it is also very time-consuming. If you are a big fan of CLANNAD the length of the visual novel will be no problem.
Area Xbox
Aug 11, 2020
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