Cat Quest II, a fantasy action-adventure RPG, returns to the world of Felingard to expand on the original with more explosive spells, expanded weapon options, an exciting new character switch mechanic, and local co-op! Play as both a cat and dog as you explore their kingdoms solo or with a friend! Quest in a world filled with magic, curious monsters, and go on a catventure like never before!
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52 reviews found100
Games Xtreme
Oct 17, 2019
Welcome to a land full of adventure and vicious foes. You play the role of two kings who must take back their lands from Lioner the Purrsecutor and Wolfen the Labrathor. A world where cats and dogs reign supreme and have battled for years over an ancient sword. Felingard the land of the cats and Lupus Empire, land of the dogs, lay full of riches and gear. Explore dungeons, collect top gear and magics. Play solo or play with a friend as you strive to rank up and become strong enough to take down the two evil rulers.
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Worth Playing
Dec 13, 2019
Cat Quest II is just as good as the original. The core mechanics remain appealing, while the addition of magic rods and projectile attacks are enough to change things up for those who were afraid of another melee-fest. The elimination of some required grinding makes the game feel more streamlined for those who were anxious to see where the main storyline goes, but the inclusion of local co-op increases the game's fun factor tenfold. This is another job well done and another quality title to add to one's gaming library.
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God is a Geek
Sep 23, 2019
Whether you play alone or with a second player, Cat Quest II is an outstanding action RPG with a great sense of humour.
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Oct 29, 2019
Cat Quest II is a great improvement over the original. The game offers a teensy bit more variety and a bigger world, so it starts trucking almost instantly. I do wish that your AI co-op buddy was a bit more competent, but that’s a minor gripe. All in all, though, the time flew by and the smile stayed on my face through almost the entire playthrough. This action RPG promises a wonderful treat if you're looking for a pretty dense game.
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Nov 4, 2019
I can’t express enough just how well The Gentlebros delivers in making a ridiculously charming and rewarding game. Cat Quest II has bucket loads of terrific humour, adorable characters and you will never tire of the entertaining cat and dog puns on offer. The second playable character really adds to keeping combat fresh, whether you play the game in solo mode or in local co-op with a friend. Cat Quest II may be overly familiar to those that have played Cat Quest, but more of the same is definitely not a bad thing when the game is so entertaining and fun to play. This cat-venture is a terrific sequel that certainly gets my tail wagging with joy!
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Geek Culture
Feb 13, 2020
Fluffy, enjoyable, and suitable for all, Cat Quest II is the RPG you did not know you want, but need.
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