The Room Tribute (also known as The Room: The Game) is a point-and-click adventure game released on September 3, 2010, that serves as an unofficial adaptation of the 2003 film The Room directed by Tommy Wiseau. It was programmed by Newgrounds founder Tom Fulp, with artwork by Newgrounds staff member Jeff "JohnnyUtah" Bandelin, and music by animator Chris O'Neill. The game was designed in the style of 16-bit graphics, much like similar games based on the films Tremors and The Hunger Games for Newgrounds' own 2010 and 2012 April Fools jokes.
Game analysis
Monster Scorecard
Scorecard Coming Soon
We're still gathering data and reviews for this game. Once we have enough information, we'll provide a detailed scorecard breaking down all aspects of the game.
29 reviews found90
God is a Geek
Nov 3, 2018
AI-generated summary • May contain inaccuracies • See full review for precise details
Moonlighter is a joy to play and a perfect fit for the Switch. It combines great aspects from other games and adds its own charm. The minor performance and visual issues can hopefully be fixed in a patch to make it the definitive Moonlighter experience.
Oct 18, 2018
There’s no way I wouldn’t recommend this game, but just know you’ll probably be done in about two hours. To me, a two-hour game that leaves me wanting more, is far preferable to a 40-hour game that’s stretched itself too thin, and I really only found myself wanting more because I just liked it so much. Are there a couple of times too many where the puzzle is “rotate the shape so it makes the right shape again”? Sure! Are some of the parts involving the box a little too hard to notice that they can be interacted with? Yes! But it was still exactly what I wanted.
We Got This Covered
Oct 18, 2018
The Room offers up a unique take on puzzle solving, with its intricate, ornate boxes and intriguing mystery. The touch controls and the game's beautiful, tiny details make the experience enjoyable on the Nintendo Switch, even if it's not too different from its mobile version.
Nindie Spotlight
Oct 23, 2018
Summary and quote unavailable.
Pelit (Finland)
Sep 5, 2014
Summary and quote unavailable.
Nov 17, 2018
Summary and quote unavailable.
Oct 27, 2018
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Sep 1, 2023
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Sep 15, 2014
Summary and quote unavailable.
Nintendo Insider
Oct 30, 2018
It isn’t often that I would recommend a port of a mobile game, but The Room is an exception. It is a game that simply works on the Nintendo Switch, regardless of whether you play it in Handheld mode or on the TV. The puzzles are clever, unique and engaging. Once you start, you will not want to put your Switch down. Its only real problem is I simply want more.