The First Templar follows the story of two main characters – a French Templar, and his companion, a noble lady who has been proclaimed a heretic. Taking control over these two unlikely allies, the player must uncover the mysteries behind the Templar Order, play a role in a grand conspiracy, and discover the secret of the Holy Grail. The heroes face powerful opponents at every turn, including Sacracen, King Philip the IV of France and the Inquisition.
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19 reviews found75
Jul 20, 2011
First Templar leaves me with mixed feelings. One the one hand it's a very fun and engaging game to make your way through with a friend, but on the other hand it has little problems here and there that mar the gameplay. It seems like it was sloppily put together and could have been better constructed all around in order to make the gameplay more fluid. It's a decent game to go through at least once and is definitely worth picking up. Not necessarily at full price, but it's certainly worth playing.
Absolute Games
Jun 23, 2011
Summary and quote unavailable.
May 18, 2011
The First Templar draws you in with delightful visuals and rhythmic combat, but technical foibles can lessen your fun. The Good - Satisfying combat punctuated by brutal finishing moves - Stealth and puzzle sections are welcome diversions - Well-developed characters that occasionally utter humorous lines - Twisty level design with lots of alternate routes - Pleasant visual design. The Bad - Iffy collision detection - A scarcity of items to collect. Two thousand years ago, Jesus drank from a cup.
May 19, 2011
Summary and quote unavailable.
PC Games
May 20, 2011
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Jul 1, 2011
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Jun 1, 2011
Summary and quote unavailable.
PC Gamer UK
Aug 6, 2011
Summary and quote unavailable.
May 27, 2011
Summary and quote unavailable.
May 26, 2011
The First Templar is uneven, inconsistent in tone and, to be blunt, wonky in execution. But, it manages to rescue itself to a degree, preventing its 13-15 hour campaign becoming a laborious chore.