Tales of Symphonia Remastered is set in the world of Sylvarant, a dying land in dire need of a constant source of mana, where legend dictates that a Chosen One will appear to regenerate and restore the world. Players will follow the adventures of Lloyd Irving and his friends as they embark on a worldwide adventure filled with unforgettable characters and an emotionally charged storyline that still resonates with fans.
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63 reviews found90
Feb 21, 2023
Symphonia regenerated the traditional RPG structure with smartly designed battle mechanics and well-fleshed out cast of characters. It remains a favorite of mine to this day and I’m glad to get the opportunity to experience it again, even if this re-release can never truly recapture the original effect it had on me. The remaster translates the regenerative nature of Symphonia competently, but this is the kind of game that deserves a remaster that goes the extra mile.
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Gaming Age
Apr 3, 2023
For newcomers, Tales of Symphonia Remastered is a great pickup but for veterans looking for more, you won’t find anything new here sadly. If you are collector of the Tales games it will be worth adding to the collection.
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PSX Extreme
Feb 28, 2023
Tales of Symphonia Remastered is an RPG worth your while. While the lack of extras and a locked 30FPS frame rate might deter series veterans from giving this game another go, the heartwarming story and colorful visuals still hold up well and is worth recommending even after nearly two decades.
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Jun 9, 2023
Although not all areas felt the benefits of the remaster, like tutorials for the battle system, Tales of Symphonia Remastered allows a new generation of gamers to experience this classic. Overall, it is an excellent game, the cute graphics look gorgeous in HD, and the gripping story and lovable characters are mesmerising for returning and new fans alike.
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Hardcore Gamer
Feb 15, 2023
Tales of Symphonia is still one of the biggest highlights in the series with a fantastic assortment of characters, some simple but enjoyable combat and great story to keep players invested throughout. What hurts is that this remastered version has glaring issues that need to be fixed. It’s far from making it impossible to recommend, in fact we still absolutely would for those who haven’t ever played it before, but without autosave and with multiple recorded crashes experienced, it’s hard to tell people to run out and pick it up immediately without proper patches to work out the bigger issues here. With fixes to address the problems, Tales of Symphonia Remastered could easily be considered another fantastic port on modern systems that we hope to continue to see more of from Bandai Namco.
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