Super Lucky’s Tale is a delightful, playground platformer for all ages that follows Lucky, the ever-optimistic and lovable hero, on his quest to find his inner strength and help his beloved sister rescue the Book of Ages from the nefarious Jinx. Head back to the era of classic platformers with challenges players of all skill levels and all ages can enjoy.
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79 reviews found85
Nov 6, 2017
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Hardcore Gamer
Nov 3, 2017
The biggest flaw is that it fails to leave a major impression despite getting most things right on a point-by-point basis. It controls well outside of some camera issues and looks gorgeous. The sound design is impressive, while the soundtrack leaves a bit to be desired. The overall game isn’t a classic, but everything is done well and there isn’t much outright wrong with it.
Rectify Gaming
Nov 22, 2017
If you enjoy platformers or are looking for something relaxing to play, then definitely consider Super Lucky’s Tale. Super Lucky’s Tale is the sequel to 2016’s Lucky’s Tale, a VR headset release; however, Super Lucky’s Tale isn’t a VR game at all.
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Nov 6, 2017
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Entertainment Buddha
Nov 3, 2017
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Nov 3, 2017
Despite some dubious gameplay design (failed mini-games can’t be replayed without restarting the whole sub-level) and problems with the fixed-camera position sometimes obscuring jumps, Super Lucky’s Tale is a solid platformer. It honors the tried and true genre clichés and for a mid-priced game, it doesn’t even need to present anything entirely new. While it’s not the killer app Microsoft’s new beefed-up Xbox will need, it’s wholesome family entertainment.