Journey through “The Nightmare,” as Lara Croft faces off against familiar enemies and fallen friends. Explore Croft Manor in a harrowing trial unlike anything she has faced before. In order to obtain a powerful weapon, Lara must conquer, in either single-player or co-op, the latest challenge tomb, “Howl of the Monkey Gods.” “The Nightmare” offers new customization options with the Scales of Q outfit, whose thick hide and solid bones provide twice as much resistance to melee attacks. The Grip of Fear axe possesses a primal design, optimized for climbing and fighting. When using the axe, enemies are more likely to be knocked down and stay down for longer periods. Finally, White Breath is the new skill that when fired, creates a cloud of hallucinogenic vapor on impact, poisoning enemies to fight against one another. As part of the update, tombs from the main campaign, “Judge’s Gaze,” “Underworld Gate,” “Howling Caves”, “Path of Battle,” and “Temple of the Sun” are all now playable in Score Attack and Time Attack modes.
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4 reviews found70
PSX Brasil
Feb 12, 2019
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Jan 25, 2019
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Video Chums
Jan 24, 2019
The hallucination sequence and challenge tomb in The Nightmare give this pack the most character out of all the DLC so far.
Jan 26, 2019
Made out to be something bigger than it is, The Nightmare fails to deliver once again in what is a recurring theme for Shadow of the Tomb Raider's download content. The Croft Manor sequence could and should have been something much more than it was, and the tomb is another short and simple challenge. There are always signs of something good in each of these DLCs, but none have added up to anything great yet.