A world where all ninja gather "Game Ninja World" A conflict between two feudal lords of each land over the control of the country, a spark between two major powers leading two ninja schools. The "Konpa School" mastered of "Command Technique" style, while the "Hanipa School" mastered of "Action Technique". The two camps were fighting when suddenly a machine ninja army attacked using a "Shoot Technique" style. Machine ninja army already invades a small country, and its head "You Geima" announced to the world. The start of the "Super NINJA War" that decides the strongest school in the world!
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54 reviews found85
Dec 2, 2021
On one level, I feel a little cheated by Neptunia x Senran Kagura: Ninja Wars — generally we can expect a new Senran Kagura and a new Neptunia every year, so it’s a bit of a disappointment that in 2021 audiences are getting a single game from both franchises. Fortunately it’s an exceptional piece of work. It won’t give players everything they’d expect from either franchise, it has satisfying systems and some of the funniest writing either series has seen in years. This is a good action-adventure, but for fans of either series, it’s absolutely essential. Disclosures: This game is developed by Compile Heart, Tamsoft, and Acquire and published by Idea Factory and Marvelous.
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Digitally Downloaded
Apr 20, 2022
Working with a clearly limited budget, Tamsoft has focused on delivering a tight action-combat system, while also relying on the fan service of both Senran Kagura and Hyperdimension Neptunia to see it through. It’s a good couple of hours of genuine fun, with the requisite bath scenes, humour and familiar characters to meet and fight. You can’t help but think that both properties could have grown to become more than this, but taking as it is, it’s still entertaining nonsense, with a heavy emphasis on the “entertaining”. I play enough serious games that require deep analysis, this kind of thing is my ideal break time between them.
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Oct 25, 2021
While Neptunia X Senran Kagura: Ninja Wars is one of the shorter spin-off titles, clocking in at around 12 hours to complete the main quest, I still had a lot of fun. The combat is easy to pick up, but has a enough depth to keep you coming back for more. The story and writing are very entertaining, and the soundtrack is pretty nice as well. I do think the mouth flaps during the visual novel sections are pretty rough, but that’s not really enough to keep this from being one of the better spin-off games in the franchise. If you’re a fan of Neptunia or Senran Kagura, this one is a no brainer at the $49.99 price tag. If you’re not a fan of either of those, this one would be good to pick up down the line once you’ve played some of the other games in the respected franchises.
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Niche Gamer
Oct 25, 2021
I enjoyed getting back in the saddle of playing a Senran Kagura game with a cast of Neptunia characters. The gameplay was simple enough to learn and it felt natural. Some other elements like the graphics and weird mouth flap choices were the biggest issues. The story not being too much else than traveling from place to place and defeating a boss at the end of a stage is fine for replayability. The price tag of $49.99 USD is perfect for the type of game this turned out to be, and makes me wish for a full on new Senran Kagura game rather than one that needs Neptunia to save it.
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CFG Games
Feb 6, 2022
Anybody who is a fan of character action games will be happy with Neptunia x Senran Kagura: Ninja War.
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Apr 18, 2022
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