The epic saga continues with Mortal Kombat 11: Aftermath! This new entry expands the critically acclaimed story campaign of Mortal Kombat 11 with an all-new cinematic narrative centered around trust and deceit. Joining the fight will be Mortal Kombat alumni, Fujin and Sheeva, and guest character, RoboCop, making his series debut!
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83 reviews found100
Cheat Code Central
May 28, 2020
I suppose the best way to describe Mortal Kombat 11: Aftermath is as a finishing move of its own. Though, it’d be a Friendship, rather than a Fatality. It’s in many ways a means of NetherRealm showing appreciation for the series’ history. The free additions pay tribute to the past by bringing back old moves in a gorgeous way. The paid elements give two more classic fighters a chance to return, Robocop a chance to dole out justice, and an even better capper to a story that gives returning fighters who showed up as DLC a place in the story. It’s all handled incredibly well and, to be honest, even people who just come back to the game for the massive free update and its balance updates and additions will be more than satisfied.
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Aug 29, 2020
All in all, Mortal Kombat 11: Aftermath is a worthy expansion to the already excellent base game.
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Attack of the Fanboy
May 27, 2020
Already the king of the story mode in the fighting game genre, Mortal Kombat 11: Aftermath adds even more enjoyable content with a DLC character focused plot. Adding in three new DLC characters with Fujin, Sheeva, and RoboCop only sweetens the pot in this must own package that all Mortal Kombat fans should experience.
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Jun 1, 2020
Mortal Kombat 11: Aftermath gives you exactly what you want out of an expansion pack: new characters, a new story, new gameplay features, and it throws in a couple of new skins for Scorpion, Sub-Zero, and Frost. As a package deal, if you loved Mortal Kombat 11, then Aftermath is an absolute must. It embodies what any expansion or DLC should always do: it adds and enhances the game without diluting or changing the original image. Aftermath adds fresh life (and blood) to the game and revitalizes that urge to hear the iconic words: Finish Him!
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