Jurassic World Aftermath Collection is a suspenseful survival adventure. Crash-landing on Isla Nublar after the fall of the Jurassic World theme park, players find themselves trapped in an abandoned research facility when their mission to recover valuable information goes disastrously wrong. To survive, they’ll need to explore and solve puzzles while evading a menagerie of ferocious dinosaurs, including ravenous Pteranodons, cunning Velociraptors and the terrifying T. rex.
Game analysis
Monster Scorecard
Scorecard Coming Soon
We're still gathering data and reviews for this game. Once we have enough information, we'll provide a detailed scorecard breaking down all aspects of the game.
23 reviews found83
Gaming Age
Jan 5, 2023
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Movies Games and Tech
Jul 15, 2024
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Thumb Culture
Dec 8, 2022
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Nindie Spotlight
Nov 10, 2022
Captures the suspense of trying to escape from lethal dinosaurs using your wits and technology rather than guns Having just gotten through the Halloween season, I was reminiscing about the games that have done the best job of creating tension and making me startled with effective jump scares.
Feb 16, 2023
While the early game’s repetition doesn’t match the second half, there’s something to be said about the experience of evading dinosaurs while solving puzzles. I just wish they’d have taken more advantage of Sony’s new hardware with this port.
Mar 8, 2023
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Twisted Voxel
Mar 16, 2023
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Nov 20, 2022
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Video Chums
Mar 22, 2023
Jurassic World Aftermath Collection is a solid VR game that's tense without being scary and somewhat enjoyable without offering anything particularly unique in its gameplay formula. In short, it'll provide thrills for anyone who's too scared to play a VR horror game.
Worth Playing
Jan 3, 2023
VR really makes the Jurassic World: Aftermath Collection experience enjoyable, and while the move to the Switch isn't terrible, it still loses something in the process. The slow walk and run speeds make for a sluggish-feeling experience, while the controls feel awkward when compared to other first-person games on the system. The stealth experience shines at first, but the repetition makes it dull by the halfway mark. The story is fine but doesn't have the chops to keep you glued from beginning to end. The effort is admirable, but unless you're a big "Jurassic World" fan, you're better off waiting for a VR headset before experiencing this one.