In an era where machines roam the land and mankind is no longer the dominant species, a young hunter named Aloy embarks on a journey to discover her destiny. Explore a vibrant and lush world inhabited by mysterious mechanized creatures. Embark on a compelling, emotional journey and unravel mysteries of tribal societies, ancient artefacts and enhanced technologies that will determine the fate of this planet and of life itself. Horizon: Zero Dawn Complete Edition includes Horizon Zero Dawn and the frozen wilds expansion.
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73 reviews found100
Jan 10, 2022
Horizon Zero Dawn truly expresses how videogames nowadays are an art form, if not only through its visuals and storytelling, then certainly through its expertly incorporated combat. A glee-filled experience through and through.
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Aug 5, 2020
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Aug 5, 2020
Reveling in its allure, basking in its glory, and indulging in its refinement, Horizon takes a seat among the PC elite, demonstrating that Greatness has been on-hand, for an entire generation. Horizon: Zero Dawn is, and will forever be a masterpiece. 0 Horizon: Zero Dawn - Guerrilla Horizon Zero Dawn is an action role-playing game developed by Guerrilla Games and published by Sony Interactive Entertainment.
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God is a Geek
Aug 6, 2020
Horizon Zero Dawn is that rare gem of a game: it’s the one you make an exception for, it’s the one you just have to keep going back to, no matter how much you’ve seen of it before, and now, we have the ultimate version of the game on PC. What a strange, brilliant world this sometimes is.
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